21 | Battle of Love

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This is a problem!
Everyone stood silently as Lisanna walked over to us and waved. She had short silvery white hair and was wearing a blue top with white skirt. The person she was with was Mira-san.

"Natsu, it's nice to see you!" She spoke and noticed Lucy holding Natsu's hand.

"Lucy, right?"

"Yes..." Lucy's voice trailed off as she tried her best to keep a cool front.

"I want to clear up a misunderstanding between Natsu and I." She began, "what you saw was just an acciendent. Well, it was my fault entirely." She confessed.

"I don't follow." Lucy replied.

She bit her bottom lip and sighed.

"I needed to find closure for myself so I asked Natsu if I could kiss me. You know, to just have a final moment." She fidgeted, "he rejected at first but I forced myself on him." She explained. "It's not his fault, it was mine."

Lucy has this unconvinced expression but she did not reply to her explanation.

"Don't worry, that kiss was more of a moving on kiss. I have no intentions of stealing him from you." She waved her hands awkwardly, "I regret my actions because it has caused the two of you trouble."

J-Chan looked a bit gloomy when I saw her and everyone else was keeping quiet for this to play out.

"Anyway, I'm truly sorry about everything. You don't have to like me but just know that it was my fault."

"It was me who overreacted, but I accept your apology." Lucy tipped her head.

Soon after, as we left the park towards the parking lot. Everyone was still awkwardly silent. The first to speak was Levy-chan.

"Everything's cleared up, huh?" She drew close to Lucy.

"I guess." Lucy-San replied while breathing in deeply and shouted, "why did you just tell me that happened?!"

"W-wha?" Natsu jumped from her sudden loudness.

"All of this wouldn't of happened... If you just-"

Natsu grabbed onto Lucy's arm and looked her right in the eye. "I knew that you would think I was making excuses, so I didn't bother. I didn't want to make it sound like I was lying to you."

"B-but." Lucy looked away, "you made me say and think about awful things to you." Lucy broke down in tears, "that was the worst feeling and I hated it. I thought I couldn't trust you anymore."



"Shhh..." Gajeel said to her, "let them be."

"I'm sorry that I didn't have trust in you." Lucy apologized. "I'm a terrible person."

"No, it was me for not flatly rejecting her. I should of left the room."

I watched them hold each other. It broke my heart to see Lucy crying but this moment for both of them was beautiful. I could see it in the corner of my eyes, Gray-sama was smiling out of relief too.
A few weeks later, midyear exams had begun and everyone's excitement dispersed slowly. Everyone was studying in hopes to pass their classes and even get points towards there finals.

Evidently, I had stayed up passed my self-made curfew in order to study to the bones.

"Argh?! Why can't I memorize this simple formula? Why do I need to know about this? Will this help Juvia in the future? Why can't I remember negative b, plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four a c, all over two a? Wait...I just remembered it!"

I began to flash through review problems and didn't have to use a calculator until I had to find the square roots of numbers that were too big.

"I will call it a night." I said as I closed my math notebook and stretched my arms out. By the, I threw myself onto my bed and curled up under my covers. Turning off the blue polka dotted lamp, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
By morning, I dressed up, as my uniform was already laid out the day before. When I looked in the mirror, I had noticed that my hair had grown long. I searched for two hair elastic and tied my hair into pig tails.

After that, I headed down stairs and made myself breakfast, toast with honey and fruit on the side. I sipped my favorite Magnolian tea and then I left.

"J-chan!" I heard in the distance and I saw Levy leaped into my arms. She had dark circles under her eyes as she wore red rimmed glasses.

"I never knew you wore glasses..?"

"Ah, these? There just my reading glasses." She took them off and tucked them away.

"I take it that you just took the reading exam?"

"Yes! How about you?" She giggled.

"I just took math! I'm really confident on it."

"That's great!"

"Juvia-san." Two girls appeared beside us and one of them had a binder with them.

"Can you help us with last minute study for the math exam?" The smaller one asked, "I have it last period and I need help on some problems."

"I..." I looked over at Levy-chan and she smiled while nodding her head.

"I have to go anyway, I'll see you later, alright?" Levy hugged me and went on her way.

"So, what can I help you with?"

"Follow us, there's a spare classroom open and some of the other students are in there."

"Is Juvia allowed to?"

"It's fine, other students are gathering for different subjects. We have a solid 10 minutes before the next exam."

"Oh okay." I followed them.

Soon later, we made it down the hall. The last door on the right didn't slide open like the others, this one had a knob. I don't feel good about this.

"You first." The short one said.

"Alright." I walked in and noticed that it was a small room with cleaning supplies on shells and brooms in the corner.

Then I heard a clicking of a lock and I turned around to see the door closed behind me. Another click and then a light sound of metal.

"W-what is the meaning of this?!" I banged on the door. "Why did you lock me in here?"

"Oh shut up already, will yeah?"

"Hahaha, I didn't know that she would fall for it! Damn she's an idiot!"

"L-let me out this instance!" I banged on the door repeatedly. "Open the door!"

"This is what you get for flirting with Gray-kun you deceiving witch. Have fun missing the next 3 exams because know one comes down this hall."

I heard malicious laughter fading in the distance and then it disappeared.

Dropping to my knees, I started to panic.
Is this what I get for knowing Gray-sama?

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