27 | Our Connections

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Before I knew it, the school festival finally came and with flashing colors. Apparently, it's a two-day long event. First day is school spirit event we're teams can accumulate points, second day is the actual festival which is also opened to the public. And today is that day.

When I had arrived in homeroom, everyone was scattered and talking amongst themselves. I felt so out of place, I didn't even know where to stand. Fortunately, Levy-chan and Lucy-San came in with rushing enthusiasm.

"J-chan!" Levy-chan ran over to me and handed me a red t-shirt rimmed with white. "It's the uniform for the Red Team." She explained. Look here!" She pointed at the back which had the class number on it and my initials.

"Whoa..." I awed in amazement, "where did you get this?"

"We grabbed from the student council room. You forgot to grab it the other day." Levy explained.

"Come on, put it on before we get on the field." Lucy grabbed my wrist and led me into the locker room for me to change.

"It fits!" Levy praised and then went behind me.

"Don't move, it's a ribbon." She tied my hair up and then pushed me over to a mirror. It was a red glittered ribbon and all of us matched.

"Alright! Let's go!" Levy exclaimed.
On the field, all the teams lined up. Levy was running first, then Lucy, Cana, and lastly me.

"You guys ready?" Cana pulled us all in, "we have to show them that us girls aren't just for show."

"Ready!" Levy agreed.

"Hey, the boys are watching." Lucy-San pointed out.
"Hmmm, Juviaaaaa" she teased me. "I wonder if you'll be confessed to today."

"W-why are they here?" I questioned. "And what are you talking about Lucy-San?!"

"Their team games doesn't start yet. The Relay race is first. After that, the field will be split, that's why." Cana explained. "Plus, the school festivals are when people get confident. That means romantically too."

"You getting nervous?" Levy-chan hung her arm around me. "Is it Gray-kun?"

"N-no! I wasn't thinking those impure thoughts."

"Alright then." The three of them didn't seem convinced by my words and whistled away.

"GO RED TEAM!" The crowed roared at us and we all jumped. We looked on the sidelines to see the our three guys and the rest of red team members cheering us on."

"They're going to be loud." Levy sighed. "Anyway, let's get to our spots. Good luck guys." She gave everyone high-fives and jogged over to the start.

"Good luck." Lucy and Cana both gave me fives again and went to get themselves set up.

Alright! With both my hands I smacked my face, giving me the fire and motivation I need.
I can't let them down!
"The girls will be fine. We have Juvia and Cana. Well, I haven't seen her Juvia run before but better than Levy and Lucy for sure." I explained with reassurance.

"No faith in Lucy?" Gajeel asked disturbed.

"It's not that I don't. You remember right?"

"Yeah, last year really gave us a scare. Though, she's willing to participate regardless. Are you sure she can?" Gray questioned. "What did the doctor say?"

"As long as she doesn't over do it, it's fine." I spoke, "but she's been building her stamina, I think that her condition may be a bit better than before."

Gruvia: High School Love-Struck Where stories live. Discover now