38 | Lovely Hearts

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"Ahhh, I'm so nervous!" I exclaimed while we were getting ready for our dates today. "I can't believe you would arrange this without telling me in advance."

"Hahaha, don't be!" Lucy curled my hair. "And besides, it was a surprise." Lucy winked at me and continued to do my hair."

"We have 30 minutes until the boys come." Levy rummaged through her closet and set some clothes on the bed.

"When is Erza coming?" Lucy asked.

"She should be here soon." Levy replied.

"Juvia never knew Erza-san was into these kinds of things." I brought up. "She's always busy too."

"If you know our Erza, she's into a lot of things." Lucy teased. "To be honest, she's the most girly one out of all of us."

"Lu-Chan, someone of us here have virgin ears. Levy said quietly and they exchanged glanced at each other.

"Oh, right." Lucy nodded her head and then they both silently stared at me.

Did I miss something?

"Anyways, Erza is really an elegant woman when you think about it. Her parents were diamonds." Levy changed the subject.

"D-diamonds?" I repeated with a tilt.

"Erza rarely talks about her deceased parents but when she did, she would refer them to as diamonds." Levy explained.

"Deceased..." I repeated with a gloom.

"Don't worry about it. What's rather unique about all of us is that we may have incomplete families by blood, but we have each other regardless." Lucy held Levy-Chan's hand.

"My father passed 7 years ago and Natsu's parents are gone too." Lucy revealed.

"Ahh- but we still manage." Levy smiled with grace, like she knew it all too well. "We still have each other."


"Ah! It's Erza! I'll get the door." Lucy handed the curling iron to Levy. "You're all set Juvia."

Lucy left the room and scurried down the halls and down stairs. We heard the door open and chatter appeared.

It wasn't long before Erza had entered the room along with Lucy. In both their arms we're garment bags.
Erza glanced the Levy's bed with the dresses already laid out and with a smug look, Erza shook her head. "We usually don't go to fancy restaurants. So, why don't we enjoy it?" Erza laid the mystic hangers on the bed and unzipped them. "Taadaa."

"Whoa..." I commented in amazement.

"Pretty..." Lucy and Levy said astonished.

"Well? What are you guys waiting for?" Erza carefully picked them up and said that she chose the styles according to our personality.
In which I was happy that she chose a dress for me.

"Ah! It's beautiful!" Lucy's dress was pastel pink with a white fur rim, that and the golden design on her dress. Everything was completed with a white beaded necklace that Levy have her. Levy, wore a dress which had long sleeves with white ruffled cuffs, the sleeves complemented her delicate shoulders. The top of the dress was yellow and then parted to an smooth orange hue. She even wore a head piece that had a flower on it.

"So cute!" I said drooling at how gorgeous they both looked. Even I was falling head over heels.

"They fit you perfectly." Erza nodded her head, giving an approved thumbs up. Now," Erza turned towards me. "your turn."

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