13 | New and Improved

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I didn't know that the next day would open me up to another life in High School. So many students who knew me before took the time to stop and stare. Not as a fool but as another human being.

They were starting at me and I didn't know how to feel for once. Should I be happy? Cautious?

Everything overwhelmed me and I ended up knocking my head on the desk. Hopefully to hide what shames I had left. I wonder if my hair is actually good this time.

"Hey, J-chan? What's wrong?" Levy asked with a worried expression. "Lift up your head."

Of course, I couldn't ignore her. I slowly raised my head from the desk and Levy's eyes burst.

"I'm aware! Juvia's hair looks terrible! Please spare me Levy, Juvia can't take it anymore!" I begged in fear from embarrassment.

"That's not it! J-chan, you look adorable!" Levy tightly held my hand. "Did something happen? Why the sudden transformation?" She asked.

"No, you're mistaken. I just felt like trying a new look." I explained. Even though I was slightly gloomy from the incident with Gray-sama.

"You look great, though. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, here." Levy then handed me a pink box, tied together by a thin white ribbon.

"I'm confused?" I starred at the mysterious for awhile until she told me.

"It's a gift. Open it." She insisted.

"W-what! Juvia can't accept this!" I handed it back to her but she shoved it back into my possession.

"Hmph! I'll take that as an insult." She pouted.

I gave in and opened the mini box, laying in the cotton pillow was a bracelet with the word, hope engraved in the middle of the golden heart.

"Levy-chan...you didn't have to do this." I began to tear up, but this time it was tears of joy. I felt special for once.

"Look, I have one too." She showed me her wrist that had the same bracelet but silver, dangling from her wrist. "Mine says believe."

"Why?" I asked for a logical reason to satisfy myself. Gift amongst friends is to be treasured.

"Why not? It's a gift, okay? J-chan, we've been friends for awhile now. Can't you acknowledge that we're practically sisters?" She gleamed.
Nodding my head, I agreed.

For the first time, someone had given their time for me. Levy-chan is someone dear.
Once the first 2 classes were over, I headed over to room 4-D to pass papers over to the upper class men. As I was instructed to by my previous teacher who happened to not have enough time to.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Natsu spotted me leaving from the classroom.

"Juvia just handed papers over to sensei." I replied. For some reason when I saw Natsu, I had to ask about Lucy.

"Where's Lucy-San?" I asked.

"Luce? Oh she's sick today. I'm going to head to her place after school." He said.

"Is Lucy-San alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just a minor cold." Natsu waved his hand.

"Tell her that Juvia send my regards." I made a right fist in his face, "and to fight the cold!"

"Sure. See yeah." Natsu-San walked away laughing.

Thinking about Lucy being sick, it raised the question of the last time I've gotten sick.

"Has Juvia ever gotten sick before?" For some reason, I couldn't recall the time. Am I immune to sickness? Juvia! Don't jinx yourself!
Going to the cafe, a group of boys started to run towards me. Trying my best to dance around them, one happened to bumped me instead.
And with the small stature of mine, I fell back.

"Whoa there, you okay?" Someone grabbed onto my arm and held me up from falling on my behind.

As I looked up, I saw another student with black hair tied up in a small pony tail. Talk about fashion, I found it rather cool with his piercings on his face.

"Ah, I'm fine." I assured him as he helped me up back in my feet.

"Juvia..? You're Levy's friend aren't yeah?" He asked.

"Y-yes." I spoke.

"We used to go to the same school remember? Gajeel? Does that ring a bell?"

My head spun.
"You're Gajeel?!" I froze for a second as I related him back to Levy, him being her boyfriend. However I couldn't remember him as a classmate from a previous school.

"Gee-hee, that's me." He grinned

"Nice to meet you, my name Juvia Lockser." I introduced, taking out my hand.

"Ah, so you don't remember me huh?" Gajeel scratched his head. "Could be from all the-." He stopped short, "so where yeah head'in?" He asked.

"Back to class." I answered.

"Do you have time then, to help me with something?" He asked.

"Yes, Juvia should have time."
On our way, we passed the 4th halls of the second floor. I was wondering where we were heading and when I was about to ask he stopped.

"Were here, I need you to help me grab the boxes. I don't want to make second trips." He explained.
I wonder why I always find myself carrying boxes.

"Juvia will help." I nodded my head and he opened the door. As I followed behind him, I saw that there was a meeting being held. Around 12 students who sat in a circle all looked over at us. Chilling.

"Oi, Gajeel, you're late." Peering over, I saw Natsu leaning back on his chair with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, yeah." Gajeel gave me a box and he took one and we started to walk out. Out of no where, I slipped on something wet. Not again.

Of course, karma always seemed to punish me and not a single good fortune has come my way.
Even the papers in the boxes flew out.

"Hey? You okay?" Gajeel lowered his box on the ground and helped me up.

"Yes, Juvia is fine."

In the corner of my eye, someone started to pick up the papers. My eyes filled up the arm to see who it belonged to, I saw that it was Gray-sama.

"Always making a mess, aren't you?" He said sternly without directly looking at me.

"My apologies!" I stuttered, picking up the papers as well.

"Just hurry up and leave." He stacked the papers and placed them back in the box.

Ah! I knew it...Gray-sama is still mad.

"Juvia, there's one on your left." Natsu pointed out. When I spotted it, my hand had collided with Gray-sama's hand!

"Sorry!" I bowed my head and quickly grabbed the single sheet of paper And shoved it into the box and hurried out of the classroom.

"Hey! Juvia hold on!" Gajeel's voice echoed in the distance.

What was this weird feeling in my chest? Juvia get ahold of yourself! You don't have the right to love him. I have to remind myself of what I must do and tears had escaped my eyes.

"Hey! You're dropping papers!" Gajeel trailed behind like Gretal as he picked up the papers that trailed behind me.

"Juvia is sorry!" I bowed my head downwards, biting my lower lip.

"Oi, are you crying?" He asked.

Hiding my face I shook my head.

"What's up then?" He leaned closer.

"It's just that... Don't you ever feel pathetic that you want something, although it's impossible, you still wish for it?" I asked.

Gruvia: High School Love-Struck Where stories live. Discover now