15 | Always

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After explaining everything I knew, they kept on nagging me repetitively. For them, there was no such things are being innocent.

"So you're telling me, someone just dropped this near the lockers and you happened to pick it up?" The principal leaned back in his chair and released an echoing sigh of fatigue.

"Yes." I replied, "I remember what the person looks like-."

"Then why didn't you give it to her? Unless you knew it was the key to the staffs office and took it for yourself?"

As I could know of such item. I knew there was no hope in explaining myself here. Juvia, why did you have to pick up the key?

"No, it's just that when I found it, the girl who dropped it already left. When Juvia was going to bring it to the main office, the bell rang. Of course, Juvia couldn't be late to homeroom." I explained my reasons.

The man stared at me with unbeatable eyes. I knew he wasn't done just yet. For me, I was at my most vulnerable. He doesn't believe me at all. Not in the slightest.

"I've seen notices regarding about you and your past records." He brought up, "stealing from other students. Damaging school property. With what you're saying, it just doesn't sound right." He coughed.

He couldn't be talking about those incidents, why here? Why now?! For those were things I was accused of. Blamed! I was disregarded and now it's happening again!

"Even students, in services drop in box in next to the office. Wrote that they saw you in the teacher lounge." He handed me the yellow slips and I read them. I swallowed back. Why were they so worked up in making sure my life was miserable!?

"I was troubled all morning, Juvia didn't have time to go to the teacher lounge." I confessed, "I was at her locker-"

"Troubled?" He questioned. "How was it that you were at your locker the entire time?" He interrogated me harshly.

"Juvia's friend, Lucy-San had come to school sick and Juvia was caught up in the mess."

"Miss Heartfilia?" He raised a brow.

"Yes..." I replied.

"A stunning young lady, ranking as the top 10 of the school." He spoke to himself. "But she's been out sick, why would she be here?"

The sudden hope faded away.

"But that doesn't help you does it? That doesn't explain the witnesses." He struck.

He viewed over the notes and pictures once again and folded the file up and laid it flat on the desk.

"It seems that your really a handful. Skipping class while threatening the vice President at your will. As well as other members of the council." He randomly presented false information.

He picked up a photograph and it showed Gray-Sama and I. It was the time I ran into him and the cake, he couldn't possibly take it as bullying right? That was an accident!

"More than 50 students requested that you should be transferred to our sister school." He said with no inflection. "And I'm not rejecting that idea either."

What kind of principle is this?!

"Juvia doesn't understand, can't you see Juvia is being targeted? Just because Juvia is friends with Natsu-san, Lucy-san, Gray-sama, they make Juvia the criminal!" I raised my voice.

"Paper works are being filed as we speak." He pointed out with no warning.

"That's absurd! Juvia has tried so hard to get into this school!" I panicked as everything seems to go downhill. So quickly.

"Please, lower your voice. Even the girls say it's better for you to go."

From there, he handed me a paper.
I was to transfer next week.
Erza always acts like a simple child whenever Jellal didn't take her out to the cakery for strawberry cake. Damn, now these papers are a day late and I'm supposed to explain what happened right, the president had an obscure obsession for cake and refused to work. Great one Gray. They'll believe you.

Opening the office door, someone bumped into me crinkling the documents in my hand.
Could anything get more worse than this?

"S-sorry." The girl bowed her head and I noticed it was Juvia but she was crying.
It was during passing and of course, many students began to stare and slowly watch us.

"Seems like Mr. vice Pres. has a habit of making girls cry, huh?" Voices and whispers began to mountain.
I placed my hand on her shoulder awkwardly and asked, "A-are you okay?"

She shook her head and cried more. W-what did I do?! People then started to gather from her sobs so I decided to bring her to the court yard. From there, it was like a flood after a devastating drought. This was not your normal flood though. Tsunami?

"So what happened?" I questioned, handing her a napkin. She looked at me with her red puffed eyes and handed me the paper that she held so tightly.

I took it in my hands and read it, "huh? Why are you being transferred?"

Juvia breathed in deeply to catch herself some relief. "Because they think Juvia stole the key to the teacher lounge and cheated for the exams." Juvia replied stomping on the ground.

"Juvia can't be safe anywhere!" She complained. "From schools to this school. No one likes Juvia!" She sobbed a river and hugged her legs while she sat on the bench.

"I just want to graduate at this rate and leave high school already. This is too much for Juvia." She quietly said, as her head laid on her knees.

"I'll talk to the Principal about this." I conveyed. "I heard from Natsu that you were with Lucy in the morning. We just have to get Natsu and Lucy to testify, as well as Erza."

"B-but Erza-San wasn't apart of this." Juvia pointed out.

"Don't get the wrong idea. If Erza hears about this incident later on, she'll blow a casket. Her justice is quite scary if you get on her bad side. Even the principle can't compete.

"You're really going to help me?"
She distance herself from me a little.
"Don't you hate Juvia?"

"Hey, I'm just doing this because it's for the school's reputation, if word got out that a student with exceptional grades was transferred because of a feud like this-"

Juvia smiled at me and nodded her head.
"I'm sorry for causing you trouble again, Gray-sama."

I crossed my arms, diverting from her gaze.
"No... It's not like I care."

Gruvia: High School Love-Struck Where stories live. Discover now