25 | Water and Ice

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I was suddenly startled when Gray-sama had presented me with a long blue box, finished with a silvery-white ribbon. He hid his expression but I could tell that he was restraining himself.

"Here." He said.

"F-for me?" I asked.


"Y-you didn't have to!" My face was flushed with hotness and I let that shyness take over.

"I-it's not anything special," he looked away, "might as well get a phone strap right? For your new phone that is."

I was happy that Gray-sama had thought of me. A speck of hope that maybe Gray-sama cares about me?

"Thank you! I'm grateful." I took the box in my hand and opened the lid to reveal a white strap and it the end of it was a metal piece, shaped like an umbrella! It wasn't dull at all and the the piece glistened even without light.

"I-it's beautiful!" I gleamed, "this makes me really happy!" I smiled to give my sincere thanks.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you like it." Gray-sama held back on his smile that it was an awkward one. So to relieve him from this, I lifted up the arm which held the mini bag.

"This is for Gray-sama."

"You got something for me too?" He asked puzzled, "you didn't have too."

"Likewise." I giggled.

"Thanks..." He took it.

When Gray-sama opened the bag and peeled inside, he took of the phone strap out with amazement.

"A snow flake?" He questioned.

"Yes, it think this represents your personality. Don't take it personally but I think it reflects your cold and distant side of you. But in reality, when the snow accumulates on a frosty winter day, it's a beautiful scene. Pure and almost breathtaking."

When I thought of it, it was really how I saw Gray-sama and I really meant it. Hopefully, he understood the metaphor. I looked back and I saw a glimpse of a pure smile and it made my heart melt.

"Thank you." He took out his phone and tied the strap on and waved it around. "I like it."

"Juvia likes the one Gray-sama gave me too."

As I was showing him the phone strap, he grabbed my phone and did something to it and when he gave it back and he started walking.

"Huh? Gray-sama, what did you do?"

"My number."

"Your number?!"
The day we got back to school, Levy-chan took my phone and made a despondent expression.

"What is it?"

"You already have someone's number! I wanted to be the first one on your contacts!"


"So? Who's number is that?"

"Uh-it's Gray-sama."

"W-what?! You better not let any girls of his fan club catch you with it! I heard from Gray-sama he has a limited number of those who have it, only about 10 people if they are really close to him." Levy explained, "and your one of them now!"

I giggled, "no, it's not like that."

"I get it." Levy patted my back, "here's mine." She added hers in and chose a book icon to specify that it was her.

"Hmm? New phone?"

I turned around and Lucy-san hovered over us.
"That phone strap is cute." She noticed and then took out her phone, "mines a gold key."

"It's beautiful!" I saw its unique shape as it sparkled.

"Ah, here." Lucy took my phone as well and she added her number in. "Call me for anything."

"Y-yes! I definitely will!" I looked around and usually Natsu would be following her like duckling.

"Um. Lucy-San..." I began, "where's Natsu?" I awkwardly brought up and she patted my head.

"Probably coming back from a meeting. What? You think I can't handle it?" Lucy thought as she came closer to me, "enough about me, what about you and Gray?"

"We're friends?" I stuttered.

Suddenly, the bell rang and everyone dispersed and left for their next class. I stayed in the classroom and Lyon had walked in. When I was about to greet him, he had a black eye.

"Lyon! Are you okay?" I went up to him and checked his injury which seemed to be a few days old. "How did this happen?"

"Things got out of hand with Cheria. She angered a few men and things took off from there. She's fine though, and those guys they should be in the hospital still."

"What about you?"

"Me? I'm quite dandy. Taught those guys a lesson and including Cheria. This was because I wasn't paying attention. It's bad?"

"Hmm?" I stared at it for awhile and commented, "it's makes you seem brave and dangerous."

At first, I didn't know if that would make him happy but he did laugh.

"Ah, I heard You got a new phone." Lyon took out his and opened it up. "Did you know if you did this," he pressed his against mine, "your number automatically saves."

A vibrating touch appeared and a white message popped on my screen.

"Whoa! Juvia didn't know that!" I was amazed by this new phone and everything else it could do.

"Hey, Juvia."


"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me this-"

"Oi, back off."

We both turned to see Gray-sama walking into the classroom with towards us with Lucy-San and Natsu-kun.

"Aren't you on the Blue team? Stop interfering with us." Natsu barked.

"Team?" I questioned.

"Ah, Juvia you aren't aware of the team colors of the school yet, huh?" Lucy hung her arm over my shoulders. "Sorry, we were actually heading to class but Gray randomly came in here once she saw you and Lyon."

Lucy-San pulled me away to the side. Thankfully the teacher hadn't arrived yet.

"Every year there's a festival and each team color tries to get the most points. Winner gets a field BBQ while the other teams start the school cleaning for the end of the year." She explained.

"Last year, it was a tie between Blue and Red because of the seniors. We were both packed with good ones." Natsu added, "but this year, it will be us for sure."

"I think you should refrain from talking to Juvia." Gray-sama said, "I don't think your team members would like it either."

I didn't clearly understand the situation but I guess this school is rather competitive. Electricity burst from here and there I everyone else in the classroom could feel the tension breathing on their necks.

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