11 | Past Never Forgotten

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The day happen to run by so slowly like a turtle in traffic. I just wanted to go home and soak myself in a nice steaming bath. Awe, how I long for the hot water tickling my skin.

"J-chan! I've been looking for you!" Levy exclaimed as her voice echoed through the library.

"Shhh!" Everyone that was productively studying glared at us with deadly intent.

Levy apologized and yanked it me out the library without a second to spare.

"Juvia's confused! What going on!" I asked keeping my voice to a minimum and wondering where we were going all of a sudden. "Juvia has to study-"

"It's not like you were doing anything anyways." Levy pouted, "come on!" Levy suddenly seemed upset, dragging me along.

Soon enough, we made it to the court yard. A huge crowd surrounded something and we pushed ourselves to the front. By the time I saw it, it was a simple desk laid vandalized, displayed for all the shame to sink in.

It was my desk.

"Do you know who could of done that?" Levy-chan asked, hanging onto my arm. "Such cruel people! They just don't know when to stop!"

"Juvia doesn't know..." I shook my head. Actually, it was hard to believe that this just kept happening over and over. But to go this far? High school students?

"Hey, it's her." People started to whisper amongst themselves. They all inched away, leaving space for Levy and I.

My hand glided against the top and I noticed that it was covered with profanity and negative comments.
Everything I had and owned, anything that I did use in that desk was also trashed.

"J-chan..." Levy said my name as I picked the desk up and started carrying back into the school.

"Here let me." Levy insisted.

"Juvia will carry it." I declined, sniffling while trying my best not to sob out.

"Oi, what's up?" Nastu called out with Lucy walking beside him.

"What's with the desk?" Lucy inspected the notes and her eyes shot in anger. In a sense, I was happy that she got angry for me but it's not going to change anything.

"It's okay Lu-chan, I guess it's a prank for new students. Heh." Levy tried to cheer me up.

"But hasn't Juvia been here for awhile already?" Natsu countered.

"A prank? Stop kidding yourself. Do you see what they wrote on the desk?" Lucy crossed her arms and stomped her feet. "What nerve of some people!"

"It's fine, Juvia is used to this. Juvia will go back first." I began to walk the desk back myself, luckily it wasn't too heavy. All I do is worry my friends.
Poor Juviac the other students just don't understand how caring and kind she is. And just because she's friends with the most popular group in school, doesn't make her selfish!

"Those fan clubs are such a pest." Lucy sighed.
"I don't even get the point of it."

"You're just jealous cause there's a fan club after me and they worship the famous Natsu-"

"Don't start." Lucy smirked as her hand covered his mouth. "Not right now. But I'm worried about Juvia-chan." Lucy admitted. "From what has happened, no seems to be welcoming her besides us.

"Huh, when did you have a heart?" Natsu teased while nudging my arm. "Hmmmm?"

"That's it, I'm not going to the movies with you this afternoon." Lucy stomped and went off in the other direction.

"Oi, I was kidding! Come back!" Natsu hurried behind her.
"Hey Juvia-San, what are you doing?" Erza noticed me carrying the desk back to the class.

"Here, give it to me." Erza took the desk herself and they started walking away.


"If you have any problems, just tell me." Erza said with a cool tone. "My goal is to make the school safe for everyone. And the people who don't, I'll teach them a lesson."

"Don't worry, Juvia will tell you if anything is wrong." I assured, fidgeting with my hands behind my back.

"Juvia, I know that high school can be overwhelming and there are those who seek pleasure in making others miserable. But if you allow them to play with you, you'll only regret it later on. Have confidence, isn't it better to love yourself?" Erza added. "Don't you love yourself?"

Of course I do...but what can I do? I don't like the fact that I'm timid like this but I'm not one to make a fuss.

When Erza and I arrived to the classroom, she left right after she saw that Lyon was going to accompany me in the class.

"Ugh, you're not so popular are you?" He scratched the back of his head and grabbed something from his desk.

"Use this, it can take off those markers." He handed her a bottle of rubbing alcohol and I blankly stared at him.

"Don't worry, I'm on the soccer team, I tend to get injuries here and there." He said.

"Ah, okay. Juvia is happy." I glowed a smile and he lit up red. "Lyon-san, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm f-fine." He looked the other way. "Wanna grab lunch? Levy should be done with study hall." He asked.

"Yeah, Juvia would love to."

Soon after we met up at the cafe, once I finished cleaning the desk. Spotless as could be.

"J-chan, I was so lonely in study hall, there were all jocky guys there. They reeked of sweat!" Levy complained.

We laughed it off for awhile, then ate our lunch. Suddenly, a girl with pink hair hung her arms around Lyon.

"Lyon, I missed you!" She kissed his cheek and glared at Juvia.

"Chelia?! What are you doing here!" He pushed her back. "How did you get in?"

"Oh, who's this?" Levy made a disturbing facial expression.

"She's my neighbor." He replied. "She's still in middle school."

"Hey! It's my last year." She pouted. "I'll be coming here next year."

"Yeah yeah." Lyon hissed.

"So who are you? I haven't seen you here before." She barked, crossing her arms and leaning towards Lyon.

"Ah, I'm Juvia. Nice to-"

"Hey, after school wanna go shopping with me?" Chelia interrupted and ignored me.

"No, I have to stay after." Lyon brushed her off again. "Leave before you get caught."

"Awe, fine. See yeah." She hugged Lyon once more and left.

"Juvia never knew you were into younger girls." I lightly giggled and Levy-chan started to laugh at that comment.

"Yeah yeah. It's not my fault I'm handsome." He went along.

Thought why did I feel such a cold presence from her, like she was challenging me.

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