34 | My Answer

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The damage is done and I don't think I can get over it. Ever since I kissed Gray-sama, my mind has been muddled. My heart pounded like drums whenever I see him and his voice, makes me quiver in nervousness.
It wasn't long before the school was buzzing about it. Some girls came up to me and confronted it.

"Hey, hey." Levy poked at my cheek and tiled her head, "J-chan, you there?" She asked.

"Y-yeah." I nodded my head. "What is it?"

"Lyon is calling for you." She pointed out.

"W-what?!" I suddenly became alert and fussed about. I looked around to see that he wasn't at the door nor in the classroom.

"Hehehe." Levy teased, "just kidding."

"...that's not nice." I planted my head on the desk. "Juvia is so confused about this love concept." I confessed.

"You're so funny." Levy laughed, "just follow what your heart wants."

"Easier said than done?!"

"Alright, alright. Calm down J-Chan. Lyon is coming."

"Levy-chan, please not now-"

"Hey guys." Lyon patted our backs.

I lit up with a mortified expression and gave a slight smile even though all of this was embarrassing.

"H-hello." I greeted him.

"Hey, Juvia." He replied.

"Ahem...hi Lyon." Levy waved.

"Oh, didn't see you there." He teased, "you're so short, didn't notice you there."

"Hmmm. Alright, I understand that I'm not wanted. I'll leave you two alone." Levy glared at him and sighed.

"Are you free this afternoon?" Lyon asked.

"Yes, probably." I answered hesitantly.

"Interesting. Alright, you're coming with me to Magnolia's famous cafe. Okay?" Lyon waited for a reply and I couldn't turn him down.

"S-sure." My words slipped out.

"It's a date." Lyon patted my shoulders, "meet me at the gates right after the last bell."

"Juvia will see you there." I agreed.

After that, Lyon made his way to his next class and I felt more alone than ever. What just happened? Now I'm really confused. I glanced over at Levy-Chan but she was talking to a group of girls about a project.

Lyon called it a date but if you think it's not a date, then it's not. Alright?

"Huh? Juvia are you okay?" Cana zoomed in and waved her hands in front of my face, "you're making a weird expression." She pointed out.

"J-Juvia is fine." I said.

"Hmm? But-"

"I'm fine!" My voice raised so loud that I slapped my mouth before anymore words could come.

"Does it have to do with Lyon?" Cana sat beside me, giggling as she went. "Did he ask you out?"

"I'm not sure, he said date." I revealed, "but Juvia doesn't want it to be a date."

"Ahhh, well then. Hmm, I don't know much about guys, but Lyon is pretty desperate, yeah?" Cana couldn't help but make a joke out of it. "Just have fun."

Cana kept teasing me, though she did have good intentions. Relax. Just don't worry about it so much. Juvia, you love Gray-sama, don't you? Don't you?
When school let out, Juvia and I walked to the Cafe. I had to make notice to Cheria that I had to skip out on his weekly homework help. She did get somewhat mad over the phone but I'll make it up to her.

"Table for two?" The host grabbed the menus and led us to our seats. "Your server will be here momentarily." He said.

"Thank you." I nodded my head.

It was to my surprise that I saw the student council president, Erza, here at the bakery.

"Huh? Erza-San is here?" Juvia looked around. She managed to spot her and the man she was with.

"Huh? Who's that guys she with?" Juvia asked.

" Jellal, Jellal Fernades." I said. "He was the previous president of the school. That was until rumors kicked him out for good."

"Rumors?" Juvia tilted her head, "were they true?"

"We still don't know. However, Erza was one of the people who ended up doubting him." As I spoke, Juvia seemed to have gotten more gloomy. "B-but don't worry! Everything is fine. They're dating as you can see."

"Oh okay." She nodded her head.

It wasn't long when we placed our orders, a few sweets and tea. Juvia couldn't stop gazing in wonder, as she found each came admiring. Her expression was cute as well, when she took her first bite.

"Yummy! Juvia hasn't had cakes like these in forever!" She giggled as she heard herself speak.

"It's good right?"

Juvia smiled an ear to ear smile and looked like she was having a blast. I love seeing this side of her. I want to be able to see more expressions. If only she would look at me and not-

"Huh? Lyon, you have something..." Juvia took her napkin and dabbed it on the side of my cheek.

"Frosting." She said. "You're a messy eater aren't you?" She joked.

Before I realized it, I had caught her hands within mine. I wanted her to chose me. Please Juvia, please listen to what I have to say.

"Juvia." I gazed into her eyes in hopes she'll give me her full attention. "I know you still have feelings for him, but I want you to chose me." I began, "I'll make you forget about him in the long run so please, look my way."

As I confessed, Juvia's hands were trembling beneath mine. I was scaring her.

I released my hands from her and kept my eye contact. "My words may seem far fetched but indeed I do love you."

"Lyon..." Juvia was the first to break eye contact. "I-I'm sorry." She apologized.
There it wasc the uncontrollably beating of my heart. It aches and I felt terrible for rejecting his feelings.

"Lyon, y-you're a great guy. I appreciate all you've done for me but I can't give you my heart."

He leaned a bit back.

"I don't want to hurt you and I don't deserve your love." My voice came off uneasy and I knew it. How was I supposed to be normal?

Lyon struggled to smile, but he did. "Is it because you love Gray?" He asked, breaking the arrow and watching it hit the bullseye. "Can't compete with him now can I?" He dejectedly looked down.

I took a breath and I wanted him to hear me clearly. I want myself to hear it too.

"Yes, I love Gray-sama."

No turning back now.

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