12 | Swallowed Up By Pain

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The following day, the chemistry had open labs and we happened to be one of the lucky classes to be able to participate. Which meant useless filler grades that will mess up our current grade.

"Juvia thinks that this bottle is supposed to be mixed with this one." I pointed out at the red dye with the white powder.

"Ah! your right! I didn't notice, thanks." Cana realized and we finished up the partner project. "Hey, hand me the dye. How many drops?"

"15 drops." I answered. "And there should be some type of chemical reaction occurring." I added.

"Ah! There! See?" We watched as the tube started to fizz and the content turned into a solid which rose to the top of the tube.

"Wow!" Cana gleamed, "good work!" She raised her hands in a high-five and I slapped them with mine.

"Whoa!" Laugher burst from multiple tables, aiming at Jet and Levy's table when they accidentally mixed two incompatible fluids together. I wonder what would happen if they ended up combusting.

"Jet! I told you not to put that in!" Levy whined knowing she was going to fail the open lab. Sorry Levy, I wish you luck!
Later, we met up with Lucy. During class break, Levy kept running on about failing the class.

"Lu-chan I'm going to fail chem." she sobbed on Lucy's shoulders. "Why did he have to choose me first!? Ugh." Levy complained.

She gazed over at me with such a depressed expression. "What did you get?" Levy hicced.

"Me? Juvia got an A-, Cana and Juvia accidentally spilled some of the mix into the wrong glass." I explained.

"I'm going to fail! I just know it!" Levy clung onto Lucy's arm tighter than ever.

"Awe, my poor Levy-chan." Lucy teased.
Suddenly, the bell rang.

"Ah, I gotta go now. I can't hang out today, I'm going on a date with Natsu." Lucy waved goodbye.

"Oh yeah, sorry J-chan, I have a date with Gajeel after school. Want me to get Lyon to walk you home?" Levy asked.

"No, I'm fine." I declined.

"I'm not heading home right away, Juvia will be fine."

"Are you sure?" Levy nagged. "It's not safe being so cute and walking alone."

I giggled at her comment.

"Juvia has taken Karate classes last year, Juvia will kick butt if anything happens." I sparked in confidence.

"Hahaha, okay. Just be safe." Levy giggled.

Without directly going home, I stopped by the convient store a few minutes away from the school. Inside, I saw a glimpse of who I thought was Gray-sama.

"Ah Gray-" then I remembered that we weren't on good terms anymore.

The sun was still out and about and I was about to head home and cook dinner. However, why was I following Gray-sama?!

I took notice to the signs as he headed towards the towns cemetery. I followed and witness him, placing bouquet of flowers on two tombstones besides each other.

Watching him from afar, I could hear soft and broken weeping. It was quiet yet loud. I thought I knew Gray-sama but to think that I really knew Gray-sama well.
This beautiful ugly world I thought, we're all in pain somehow yet, we hide it from others.

As Gray-sama had parted from these stones, my curiosity decided to find out who's graves Gray stood upon.

When I made my way over, chills crawled up my spine and I started to cry. I didn't know why, but it hurt so bad. Gray's parents slept beneath my feet.

"Gray-sama..." Maybe staying away from him is actually a good idea.'I don't want to be another burden on his shoulders. Even thinking about not being able to talk to him like before saddened me.
When I managed to find my way home, I ate dinner, then took a bath. The steamed bath felt as if I was one with the water, it's transparent properties.
All of a sudden, the lights began to blink and the lights in the bathroom turned off and it became pitch black.

I screamed.

I heard running, down the halls and the door burst open with a flash that blinded me.

"Juvia! Are you alright? Sorry about that." My mom said as she placed a lamp on the sink. She didn't live with me but, she was visiting for a couple of days.

"I'm going to the broker box, I'll be right-"

"I don't want to be alone." I confessed and she turned around and sighed with a lightening smile.

"Sorry, I know that you're scared of the dark." She knelt beside the tub and caressed my hair.

"Hurry up and get changed, okay?"

Once I got out, my phone was flooded with any creepy messages. Most of them pertained to Gray-Sama and Natsu-San.

Oh great, I'm cursed aren't I? The lights and now fan girls? How did they even get ahold of my number?

My phone buzzed. I thought it was another one of those hate message but it was from Lyon.

"Did you get home safely?" He messaged.

"Yes." I replied.

"Good, I'll be at practice so I won't be able to walk you home for about a week."

"Oh alright. Juvia will be fine." I sent.

"Are you sure?" He came again.

"Yes, I'm positive." I mailed back the time with a smiley face.

"Alright, sleep well."

"Good night." I ended.

Shutting off my phone I laid restlessly on my bed. Playing with my hair, it had become unruly for me.

"Maybe I should curl her hair..." As I looked for my curling iron on my shelf. A new transformation, for a new Juvia.

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