Chapter 3

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|No one POV|

You were in Mitsuya room, the two of you were doing your Toman uniform "Hey do you think we could go with my style but instead of the Haori being white it could be black with the designs you guy have?" you asked looking at your younger brother who thought about it "sure why not" he smiled and hugged Mitsuya.

Mitsuya didn't need to take your measurements snice he had knew them snice you help a lot with modelling his outfits (he made) for him which he was grateful for. You walked out Mitsuya room and walked towards yours and saw your phone go off, so you quickly ran towards it and saw it was Sanzu which made you smile.

Private message with Pretty Boy

Pretty boy
Hey M/n
Wanna hang out?

Where do you want to meet up?

Pretty boy
Sweet maybe the park in 20 min?

Sure, meet you there





You turned your phone off and quickly got ready for your hangout with the white-haired male. You quickly place your shoes on and yelled "Bye I'm going to hang out with a friend" and walked out the door once you hear Mitsuya yell "Bye and BE SAFE!" making you chuckle.

You quickly walked towards the park a few minutes earlier then you were told but you didn't mind waiting for the other male, but you saw these two other people sitting on the bench near you, one was very tall while the other was short.

'The taller one is probably around Ken height' you thought he had black hair with a dyed blonde part, on both hands and the words 'Punishment' and 'sin' which looked quite cool, but you turned your attention to the shorter male who had hair and goldish color glasses.

The two noticed you looking at them and the taller one smirked which made you blush a bit but then you looked away, then you see Sanzu, so you got up and ran to him and hugged him by his waist which made him blush, but no one noticed. You the let Sanzu go and the two of you walked to café to eat something, you notice his discomfort when you walked inside and walked to a more isolated area and sat where no one would be able to see Sanzu mouth expect you.

He thanked you and you just smiled at him, once your food come you notice Sanzu was taking his off, so you quickly looked away and allowed him to eat without you looking at him which he was grateful for and made him fall for you even more.

He then asked, "will you be going to the festival on August the third?" You were surprised you were asked that question, you then thought about it "maybe? I mean I have no one to go with snice Mitsuya will be with you guys and all but if some asked me, I would love to go" you say continuing to eat what you ordered. Sanzu was surprised about how much you ate but didn't mind it he thought you still looked cute.

"Well... Would you like to go with me? And the after we could go by the gang snice Mikey had you join and all" this made you surprised and choke one something, which scared the white hair you close your eyes and smiled widely "I would love to Sanzu" this made Sanzu blush furiously "I-I'm glad" without even noticing he was also smiling.

After you two finished, Sanzu went to the bathroom to quickly paid for everything not wanting Sanzu to pay for it all, and once he came out you grabbed him by his hand and walked out "don't we have to pay?" he asked "I already did" you said look at him, this made the masked male eyes widen "EHH M/N WHY I SHOULD HAVE I WAS THE ONE WHO ASKED FOR YOU TO HANG OUT?" he yelled looking at you, you chuckled "It's alright I wanted to" you say looking forward "How much did it coast I can pay you back" he says "I won't say" you say making him frown for not being able to pay you back.

But he soon smiled after seeing you smile 'dam, what are you doing to me m/n?' he thought. 

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