Chapter 9

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|No One POV|

They ended up at an old and abandoned arcade that has an image of a headless angel spray painted on the side "Huh? this is the place?" Takemichi asked "Yes" Kazutora answered "an arcade?" m/n question. "closed down a long time ago though" Kazutora said.

All three then entered the abandoned arcade and there were tons of people, m/n quickly covered his nose with his sleeve because of the stench of cigarettes, he walked along the side of Takemitchy while looking around until he hears a thwack sound.

When they got closer, they saw Baji punching someone over and over again. "Kazutora-Kun... what's going on here?" Takemichi asked in a shaky voice "What do you mean...?" It's the test of faith" Kazutora said and looked back at Takemitchy "A test of faith?" m/n asked looking confused like Takemichi "of Baji's belief in our group, leaving Toman to enter Valhalla is like switching religions so, he needs to show us he's ready the guy Baji is beating up right now is Toman's First Division Vice- Captain, Baji most trusted retainer" Kazutora explained to the two.

"The first Division Vice-Captain?!" Takemitchy exclaimed, shocked "Toman is Valhalla's enemy, if he is betraying his old 'god' Mikey... then he also got to stomp his old beliefs" Kazutora said.

"Well? Is this good enough for you? Hanma? For my initiation into Valhalla" Baji said well uniting his hair.

"You're a real bastard, he was with you for a very long time right?" some guy said as he munched on some chips he had black and blonde hair "I'm surprised you went this far" a bald guy spoke "shit man I didn't come here for a dam lecture" Baji said looking annoyed "Kazutora!!" Hanma shouted with a grin "yes?" "you ready?" Hanma asked him.

"Yup these two guys are Takemichi Hanagaki and m/n Kanjiro both Toman's newest member and 6th Division Captain" Kazutora said and looked at the two "So you're Hanagaki and Kanjiro? Step forward" Hanma said and Baji stood in front of them "It's you from before you came here to be killed or what?" Baji said to Takemitchy before looking over at M/n who was glaring at him not letting go and the fact he threated his brother but so stopped.

"We will now summon a witness!!" The bald guy from earlier shouted, getting everyone's attention. "One of Toman founding members, The first Division Captain Keisuke Baji, he claims he wants to abandon Toman and enter the ranks of Valhalla" Hanma said and soon people began whispering to each other.

"Indeed! This is a very serious matter! Enlisting Baji will aid us greatly in crushing Toman. But there just one problem remaining, he might be one Toman's spies!! So, I had Kazutora prepare two witnesses for us! I will now call one of the witnesses forward!! Takemichi Hanagaki!!" Hanma said and looked down at the fake blonde.

"Y-Yes?" "At Toman's gathering, what did Baji say...?" Hanma asked "'I'm going to Valhalla' 'Toman is my enemy' is what he said" Takemichi nervously said, Hanma kept quiet before speaking "what do you think, Kazutora?" He asked the tiger boy "The 'test of faith...' and the 'Witness summoning' don't you think that's good enough? He'll be useful for fighting other gangs, and he knows what went on in Toman while I was away at reform school, even if Baji is a spy. Its still worth letting him into Valhalla right, Baji? We will crush Toman and then... we'll kill Mikey" Kazutora said.

"Yeah I'll help you with that, Kazutora" Baji said and bowed. "All right. From this day forward... Keisuke Baji is a member of Valhalla!!" Hanma announced making the crowd cheer. "No way...!! Wait a minute!" Takemitchy shouted, making everyone quiet.

"Baji-kun you helped found Toman alongside Mikey-Kun and the rest, didn't you?! Why are you betraying them?!" Takemitchy shouted. "Just because I'm a founding member... means I can't betray Toman? That guy's one of the founders, too." Baji said, referring to Kazutora. "Kazutora resented Toman. I can never forget. In 2003 the summer of our first year of middle school we ran wild." Baji said.

-Time skip the flash back-

"Kazutora stood up for me, so I didn't end up in Juvie. I've been waiting for Kazutora to get released." Baji said with his classic grin "Nice, come down. In that case, I'll be more than happy to have you aboard." Hanma said with a smile. "Here. It's Valhalla's uniform." He said and tossed the jacket to Baji who instantly put the jacket on. Hanagaki! Kanjiro! Give Mikey this message!!" Hanma said. "A week from now, on October 31st, In the abandoned car lot. Valhalla vs. Toman. Our final fight!!" Kazutora said. Y/n and Takemitchy had went home after that.

Once m/n got out of the area he called Sanzu just like he said before.

M/n Sanzu
Hey Sanzu I just got out of the hideout
*Chuckles* calm down Sanzu just Baji has joined Valhalla and we have a fight on October 31st and abandoned car lot
Ah I see...
You okay Sanzu?
yea it's just I'm worried about Kei, even when we were younger he would do things without thinking but he had good intentions with those ideas.
Eh you have known them snice you were younger
*laughs* nah just Baji and Mikey I've know the two snice we were kids long before Toman
Ah I see anyway I need to go see you at school?
Yeah bye~

M/n hanged up on the male and walked inside his house and saw a panicked Mitsuya who quickly ran towards him "EH ANIKI WHERE WERE YOU??" "I'll tell you later alright?" he said and watched Mitsuya slowly nod.

After that night M/n told Mitsuya everything that happened at the Valhalla hideout.

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