Happy ending

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The sun had begun to crawl towards them all and soon it shined on Muzan who screamed in pain and began to turn to dust. M/n slowly stood up as he slowly limped towards Sanzu and held him close to his body making Sanzu to lay on M/n lap, M/n then wrapped his Haori around Sanzu to keep him warm. Sanzu snake wrapped around M/n as he could not on Sanzu.

"hm? Kaburamaru?..." Sanzu whispered he looked at M/n "m/n d-did we win?" M/n softly smiled "yes we won, Muzan is dead" Sanzu had blood all over and so did M/n "I don't feel any pain...I guess I'm dying..." Sanzu says while looking at the sky.

"I'll probably die soon too. You aren't alone." M/n says holding Sanzu closely "No don't die...yet" Sanzu mumbled "I'm sorry I wasn't much use in the fight..." M/n says feeling guilty.

"No that isn't true, please don't say that" Sanzu says quickly then M/n says "Do you remember how we first met?" Sanzu smiled while looking at M/n in the eyes, "Yea it was when we were kids right?" this made Sanzu shock that the male remembered him "mikey told me your actual last name and since you changed your last name I didn't really remember..." Sanzu nods in understanding.

"You treated me like a normal person after you saw the scars... you didn't think I was monster or treated me differently" Sanzu says while tears feel from his eyes as he smiled. "I enjoyed talking with you...and you made me happy you treated me like a normal boy"

"Your bottomless cheerfulness and kindness...has saved many people, so you should be proud. I would never...let anyone say otherwise" Sanzu finished saying then "HIC!" M/n cried out "Wahh! I'm so happy...I...care about you so much Haruchiyo!"

"Meals always tasted best together with you Haruchiyo!...Because you looked at me with so much affection and never judged me!"

"Haru please.. If we're reborn and were reborn as humans...can I be your husband!" making Sanzu cry as he hugged M/n "Y-Yes of course!" "if you agree too have me" "and this time I will make you happy...And protect you so you don't die!" M/n says.

Everyone began to runover as Sanzu and M/n did not pull apart "I'm so tired..." Sanzu whispered, M/n looked down and around to see all the destruction and all the blood and all his injured friends making him feel bad.

Kazutora and Mitsuya then tackles their brother and held him close as they sobbed into his shoulder as M/n began to pat their head and stayed strong from then which Sanzu then noticed and sat up and hugged the male and said "You don't need to be strong anymore" which made M/n eyes began to water as he wrapped his arms around all three and sobbed.

The ambulance had arrived and taken them all but Sanzu and M/n did not let go they held each other even tighten which made the two need to go together.

-Time skip-

Everyone was waiting nervously for their two friends even Izana had showed up. Everyone was nervous especially Kazutora, Mitsuya, Draken, Mikey, and Baji snice their best friend/ brother is in there.

Ran thought it was a good idea to tell stories that shared memories they had well they waited to pass time which everyone agreed, and they all began talking expect for those who didn't really have any, but they still sat there and laughed with the group.

A doctor than walked out the door making everyone shut up and looked at her "They both have survived" making everyone cheer in happiness. Everyone walked out to celebrate and to tell the others the happy the news, and both Izana and Mikey talked it out with each other's and became close just like Shin wanted.

In the room was both Sanzu and M/n cuddling into each other till Sanzu asked "What are we?" which M/n blushed "erm well I don't know what you want to be?" Sanzu looked up and said "couple" which M/n smiled widely "Good cause I love you" and Sanzu smiled widely as well "I love you too" the two then kissed but this time longer.

-Time Skip-

Bells were heard ringing, Sanzu and M/n were getting married, their love never stopped growing. Sanzu and M/n were standing in front of their friends and Family and yes both Takeomi and Senju were there. When M/n first heard about how Takeomi had treated Sanzu during his child hood, he beat the fuck out of the male but was stopped when he had all the captains and their vice captains to calm him down.

Sanzu wore a beautiful white dress which had light pink faded at the bottom, he wore heels. His long pink hair had been let down as his pink lashes fluttered as he looked at M/n man was Sanzu one of the most beautiful things, anyone had laid their eyes on. M/n was the same he wore a black suit which had also had a little design which showed his colour hair which had grown out a bit. His chest was still exposed which fit perfect for the outfit.

"M/n do you take Haruchiyo to be your lawfully wedded Husband, and will you be faithful as long as you both shall live?" Giyuu says and M/n smiled brightly "I do" "Haruchiyo do you take M/n to be your lawfully wedded Husband, and will you be faithful as long as you both shall live?" Sanzu smiles and say "I do" 

"You may now kiss the bride" and so the two did and everyone cheered and clapped

This was their happily ever after~  

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