Chapter 4

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I hardly remember this part sorry T~T, so I do apologies

|Readers POV|

I was walking with Sanzu, quite a lot of people were looking at us, which was weird, but I notice it made Sanzu uncomfortable, so I held his hand. we looked at all the stalls, all of them were quite colorful, I was holding Sanzu hand while walking around and they were really soft, I then see Draken and a blonde-haired girl 'is Ken cheating on my Brother!!!' I thought while glaring at Draken I wanted to go beat his ass, but I remembered I was with Sanzu so ill talk to Draken about it later, we played some games, and I won a mochi plushie which I gave to Sanzu who blushed probably from embarrassment, and I smiled at him.

We got food, and lots of people were shocked by how much I was eating, it did make me feel insecure, but Sanzu just pat my head "don't mind anyone, keep eating amount of food you want" he whispered into my ear I smiled and continued to eat. One I had finished I placed the rubbish into a bin and as I was walking towards Sanzu I felt water dripping onto me I looked up and noticed it was beginning to rain, so I quickly pulled Sanzu over to cover.

We both then received a text from Taka, saying they need help and where their location was. So, we quickly got ready, Sanzu was already wearing his uniform while I was just wearing my usual outfit snice Taka hasn't finished making it, I just shrugged it off and picked Sanzu up which shocked him and ran while holding him.

I then end up seeing the others and run towards them and saw Draken on the floor holding his head with blood dripping, I then see Mitsuya looking worried and a blonde-haired male, I quickly ran to them and place Sanzu onto the floor gently, who thanked me, I then turn to see a lot of other people wearing different uniform 'moebius' I thought.

Then we hear a motorcycle noises " 'bout dam time!" "That exhaust sound" "It's Mikey's CB250T." Mikey had arrived, making Sanzu and the others face lit up.

"Wow. What a surprise, Mikey isn't just all brawn how dull" a voice said, I looked over and saw the male from the park from a couple of days ago 'eh where is the shorter male' I thought, I saw he was also smoking "And you are?" "Doesn't matter who I am, but I'm in charge of Moebius, for the moment, at least Name's Hanma:"

"He said it doesn't matter who he is and shit but then says his name, mans goofy as fuck" I say out loud on accident but quickly cover your mouth, and blush from embarrassment "eh sorry!" I quickly say, I see Taka shake is head while trying to stop himself laughing. I frown when I saw this I wanted to kick him but I wouldn't.

Then I see Mikey kick the Hanma, but was stopped then I looked at Sanzu to see he was shocked "eh Sanzu" I say making him look at me "yes?" "why is everyone shocked?" "oh, he is known for no one has ever stopping his kick" (or sm like that idk nor do idc) he says I was shocked and understand now.

I watch Hanma backing away from Mikey "My mission is to destroy Toman, best way to do that is make you fight amongst yourselves, but I think this works out, with these hands I'm gonna take on the 'Invincible' Mikey AND TEAR YOU APART!!" he screamed (but the s is silent) while closing his right eye with his right hand on his closed eye displaying his tattoo on his hand.


Hanma the points at Mikey and Ken and says "Take on Mikey and Draken...and kill them both" he creepily smiled making you shiver a bit.

Then we all hear motorcycles engines from far away, it was loud enough for us to hear "Phew! Just in time" I hear I look over where the sound was heard from "huh?" then I see all the other Toman members making me smile.

"Infighting's not really my thing" but if it we're going against Moebius, then I can go all out!" "Which means tonight's the big showdown" it was both smiley and Baji, you saw Baji tying his hair back with a hair tie. "We brough all of Toman with us, motherfucker" "Who wants to die first?" you hear.

"A big brawl on the day of the festival" I hear Ken says making me look at him and see him weakly gets up "Really gets my blood pumping" "Right, mike??" "haha, LETS GO THIS" Everyone started running while I ran next to Sanzu.

|No one POV|

Everyone was fighting, You were going against large amounts of people that you easy fought, with your flexibility you were able to doge their attacks, then you felt arms wrap around your waist making you freeze to see it was Hanma, you quickly kick him off you which he couldn't stop making him shock but then grinned, he went to go for another attack but was stopped by mikey "go help the others n/n" he says you just nod and ran to help those in trouble.

You then hear someone screaming Draken's name making you confused, and you turned around to see Draken on the floor bleeding "KEN!" you yelled and quickly ran to him tears beginning to rise, you see Takemichi with tears already flowing, you two then hear Mikey yell what happened "Draken... he's been stabbed!" he yelled you rip some of your white haori and wrapped it around the wound which soon turned red.

You hear Mikey shout some things back but you weren't listening instead you were picking Draken up with ease and threw Takemichi over your shoulder and ran, the fake blonde was surprised at your speed and quickly gripped onto your clothing to not fall off, it was hard to see snice the rain was brutal, but after a few moments and was calming a bit, you bit your lip when you notice two girls under an umbrella and see it was the girl Draken was with before.

"Draken!" you hear her yell; you quickly stop, the two females were shocked when they saw you carrying the two with ease and running with them. You laid Draken down; you then see a group of people walking over talking about things that didn't matter to you then you hear something to do with a bit making you even confused you turn to Draken "what the actual fuck happened ken?" I asked he just waves it off saying he would tell me later.

-time skip -

The ambulance was here, and you quickly picked Draken up and laid him down on the stretcher and jumped in the van with Takemichi going to the hospital, during the ride you saw Draken open his hand for you to grab "Thank you.... Aniki and Mitchy... please look after Mikey for me... and m/n tell...Mitsuya...I love him and that I'm sorry..." that's when hear the machine going off, making them shock.

They were pushed back while the nurses tried to keep alive till they get to the hospital once they got there they all quickly rushed to the operation room while you and Takemichi had to wait, outside. You sat in the seats and waited, you were panicking inside, you weren't able to protect someone again. Then you see everyone running in asking what happened or how was Draken, Takemichi told them what happened while I look away.

You guys had been waiting for some time till the nurse came out and said that Draken had survived which made you all really happy and Mitsuya hugged you tightly happy this crush/best friend is still alive. You both walked out to tell the others Draken had survived, you see Mitsuya getting tired so you told him to get on your back which he did and carried him to his bike, and sat on and him behind you.

You said your byes to Sanzu and drove off heading home, once you got home you parked the bike out of the way for your mum to be able to park her car once she gets back from work. You picked Mitsuya up and had him get in the shower and get dressed and you did the same, then the two of you fells asleep on the couch after eating something.

Once your guys mum came home she saw the sight of you two hugging each other making her softly smiled and grabbed a blanket for you two and kissed your foreheads "Goodnight my sweet boys" she whispered and then walk to her bedroom so she can sleep.

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