Chapter 5: The Limits Are

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"Is that really all it takes?"

We walk, the sound of soles scuffing the pavement as feet fall heavy. A cool breeze blows, rustling the overhead branches. They stretch, bare limbs reaching for the azure sky. Sleepy and hollow.

I turn, glancing at the girl to my right. "Is that all what takes?"

"Your quirk," Toga says, looking at me. "Is that really all it takes? Just a little eye contact?"

"Oh, that." I kick a loose stone. It skips across the sidewalk. "Pretty much. That's the general gist, anyway."

I suck my lip in. Even though I could see this as a positive that she's so curious about my quirk, I'm still not accustomed to sharing all my cards. I mean, sure, I could easily use my quirk against them should anything arise, but simply laying this information out is foreign. It feels almost intimate and too open. I'm not fond of it.

Still, I swallow the discomfort. If they're asking me questions, then they're curious. If they're curious, then they could be weighing my usefulness for their cause. If they're weighing my usefulness, then it's likely they won't hurt me.

However, this said, I must remember where I am and whom I am surrounded by. These are villains. I might consider myself a villain, but compared to them, I'm a petty thief. They are villains. These people have caused major damage to cities – uproars and chaos according to Mary-Beth and Karina. And most likely they have killed people. So, if I say or do something wrong, they could very well off me if they so pleased.

"Say, how do you see the memories?" Twice asks. "Is it like a movie? That'd be so cool! Is it in color?"

I turn to him. "Not really. It's more like snapshots. Still in color, but kind of faded – almost like there's a filter over the image."

"Well, that sucks," he pouts. "If that's all it is, how can you even tell what you're looking for?"

I shrug. "I typically don't have to go far. I'm normally only looking for any memories involving me. Very new and surface-level memories, really."

Once more, laying a lot out there for them right now. Feeling this exposed is something I am not fond of. Still, if I can earn their trust, then maybe I'll be set. At least, until the next phase.

We round a bend, the trees still huddling in their naked groups. Most are budding but only budding. They have yet to bloom. The cement path lies outstretched, winding, and curving, cutting along the edge of the underbrush. Then we come to it.

The foot of the PLF's base.

To the outside world, it looks like any other normal office building. It stands several stories tall, its glass exterior glimmering like some radiant jewel under the sun's haze. Bushes and trees line part of its perimeter, making it look so simple. Even almost inviting.

But under that shiny and pretty shell lies the cold, hard truth. This building houses people that the world is starting to fear. Villains that bring dread. Heroes that are betraying the vows they took. They coexist and function alongside each other within the walls of this establishment.

However, the balance between the heroes and villains is delicate, that much I can tell. As we walked around this place – Twice and Toga showing me the different facilities offered – I have taken note of the various glares. Heroes – I assume – and other people not of villain origins have stared, glowering at the pair, and in turn, me.

Their stares have been cold like ice and empty like steel. The only emotion I have seen is twinges of hatred that spark somewhere deep within them. Toga and Twice don't seem to notice – or care – and have acted nonchalant. Still, they must feel those eyes stabbing their backs like daggers. They have to.

Her Decay ~Tomura Shigaraki x OC AU~Where stories live. Discover now