Chapter 26: Tides of Change

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There is a certain heaviness that hangs in spring.

It teeters on the edge of every breeze. It rolls deep in the clouds during a thunderstorm. It clutches onto a blade of grass as rain does before it falls. It rides the waves as they sway against the shore. It is the cries of gliding seagulls surfing the gale.

It is heavy and light. It is warm and cool. It is cozy and wide open. It is freedom.

I breathe it in, feeling the wind caress my face as the waves crash against the sandy shore, coming up over my feet. The water feels cold, but the sand feels so warm. The water still carries winter's memories in its frigid touch, holding them in its vast openness. But the sand clings to spring's promises as the sun warms each tiny grain.

It feels good. All of it. The wind, the water, the sand. It all feels so good against my skin. And to be honest, my soul.

Things at the PLF have grown busy. Much busier since the prison breaks. The authorities have been too busy trying to round up any loose villains, so eyes have fallen off us – off the PLF. And we've been taking advantage of that.

Over the last week, Tomura, Dabi, Compress, and Re-Destro have been occupied with plotting the next move. A move that we plan to use to tip the already delicate balance of the system and flip it over on its head, which shouldn't be difficult. After all, the people's trust in heroes and the police are already fragile, even if everyone doesn't see it.

The blind will see soon enough.

"Figures. Thought you'd be here."

I turn, watching as a girl with long black hair makes her way to me. She's unfamiliar. Everything from her ebony locks to her onyx eyes, to her freckled face. However, I know exactly who she is. I recognize that walk. The swing of her arms and legs. The pep in her step. And even on a foreign face, I know that smile anywhere.

"You caught me," I chuckle, turning back to the water. "You incognito?"

"Well, unlike you, some of us have our faces on wanted lists," she replies, standing next to me. She kicks her shoes off and rests her feet in the water. "Eek. Cold."

"Yeah. It's a little chilly but give it a few. It'll feel better."

"If you say so." She pauses, looking around, taking in the ocean and its vastness. Then: "You sure do like the ocean, don't you, Illie?"

Toga looks at me, the face of the woman whose blood she took looking back at me, but through that, I can still see Toga. There is enough of her that peeks through, shining like a beacon. Those eyes, though black like the night, still have a sparkling shimmer that Toga's holds. A shimmer that I have seen many times.

I shrug. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do." I splash some of the water with my foot. "There's something just...magical about it."

I can feel her scan me. "Please don't tell me you're gonna get all poetic on me. Compress talks in enough riddles for all of Japan."

I snort. "You're not wrong. He does have an interesting way of speaking."

"Sure does." Silence rolls between us just as the breeze whisks our hair. She looks out over the water. "The ocean sure is big, isn't it?"

I glance at her. The sun's golden glow paints her face, lighting those dark, dark eyes. She appears content and calm. I smile.

"Yeah. It is. Seventy-one percent of the planet is covered by the ocean."

"That's a lot."

"It is."

She looks at me. "And there are a lot of different countries, too."

"Yep. There are."

"And you've been to some of them."

I shrug. "I'd say I've been to a few."

Her eyes are locked on mine. I can feel them searching and prying. What for, I don't entirely know. But I can feel her stare racking and digging, pulling. Stretching and diving into my own eyes. Then she speaks.

"Tell me, Illie – and be honest. Is the rest of the world just as fucked up as here?"

I knit my brows, then chuckle. "In what way? The whole world is fucked up, but in what context do you mean exactly?"

She shrugs, then motions around her. "All of it. The government. The commissioners. The rules and regulations. The way people follow blindly. Is it all just as messed up in other countries as it is here?"

I blink. She doesn't usually talk this way. I mean, she cheers and sings about bringing down the current system, but normally she highlights her will and freedom for it. But this... It sounds so much more. So much deeper. Almost as if she's been thinking about this a lot. Or at the very least hearing others talk about it.

A small smile bends my lips. "I won't lie. No country is perfect. In the end, they're all kinda fucked up and screwy in their own ways. And to be frank, most of them follow similar laws and regulations when it comes to quirks. They're all restrictive and require some kind of special license to use strong quirks. Whether that be a hero license or otherwise. So, yeah, I guess they all are kinda fucked up." My eyes meet hers directly as my smile grows. "But we're changing that. Sure. We're only making a change in Japan, but that's only right now. One day, eventually, I'm sure we'll aim to make an even greater change all over the world."

Her eyes light up as her lips bow into a broad Toga smile. Then her gaze returns to the swaying water.

"We'll free them all," she says. "Every last person. They'll be free. We'll be free. And everyone will see just how corrupt this system is."


I watch the water. The warm breeze blows, and I inhale its scent. Fresh and open. Nothing containing it. Nothing holding it back. Nothing telling it where it should or needs to go. It goes where it chooses. It does as it chooses. No man or woman can command it otherwise. It is...

"I think I know why I like the ocean so much," I say, my voice small.

Toga turns to me. "Hmm? What was that?"

"I think I know why I like the ocean so much," I repeat.

"Oh? What would that be?"

A croaked smile lifts my lips. "It is free."

**Bello lovelies! Not gonna lie. Bit of a random filler chapter. This is just kinda where it decided to go. We're all just passengers here lol. We're all just here for the ride. So, there's a possibility (a possibility) that I might (might) get a puppy. I submitted an inquiry about one I saw on a shelter's website earlier today. If the shelter sees the info and thinks I'm a good match, then they will tell me further instructions (including sending me the official application). But as of now, it's all up in the air. We'll see what'll happen. All I know is that she's an adorable pup that my whole house (including) my dad fell in love with. So, fingers crossed! But whether we get her or not, I just hope she ends up in a good home with plenty of love and cuddles. But yeah. That's what's going on in my life currently. Hope y'all are doing good! If you're not, then I genuinely hope things improve! Thank you so, so much for all the love! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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