Chapter 9: Dust to Dust

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"So, what do you think?" Compress asks, closing the door behind himself.

Air escapes from the cushion of the chair as I plop into it. My body feels so strange. My mind is tired, and my eyes are heavy, but the rest of me is too wired. Too awake.

"What do I think about what?" I ask, unlatching my father's hand from my face and setting it to the side.

The memories are still sporadic and hazy, but I'm remembering more. Images from my childhood continue to reemerge every day. My sister. My mother. My father. I see all their faces, even now.

So, I close my eyes. Five minutes. I just need five minutes. Five minutes of rest. Five minutes of not seeing their faces.

"Illika," he replies. "What do you think? Do you feel as though her quirk is as impressive as it came across on paper?"

I sigh, "It seems it has been. You would know more about that than I would. You've seen it firsthand." I look at him. "Dabi has said he thinks she's more than useful. What do you think?"

"She's certainly useful." He takes a seat across from me. "That said, useful or not, we still can't overlook her quirk's abilities and risks."

"Memory alteration. It seems straightforward to me."

"Well, yes. But that's just it. She can alter memories, including ours if she so chooses."

"What are you saying Compress?"

He shifts. "I just worry that she's a flight risk. Spinner is too. At any moment, she could turn and wipe our memories spotless of her."

"Is that all you're worried about?"

"You mean to tell me you're not?"

I reach my arms over my head and stretch. "I've heard that Dabi's already made it pretty clear that if she tried anything he'd scorch her."

"Do you really think that's enough to scare her?"

I look at him. He sits across from me, his eyes focused and his expression clear. And though I want to dismiss his concerns, he has been with me since the League of Villains. He is one of the pillars of our group, so I'll hear him.

"Okay," I say. "Has she given you any reason not to trust her?"

"Not necessarily," he confesses. He crosses his arms over his chest. "Admittedly, she's been more than cooperative. Eager, even. She's done everything we've asked of her. But even so, knowing what her quirk is, I still can't help but worry that she may try to use it to escape."

"Is she being held against her will?"

"Well, technically, yes, but also no..."

I tilt my head. "That doesn't even make sense."

"She knows who we are," he says. "I told her that we can't just let her go if she knows that. That said, even after discovering who we are, she has come across as... Well, she has come across as comfortable."

"So, she hasn't tried to run?"

"Not once."

I'm failing to see where his concerns stem from. If she had given any reason up until now for this, then maybe I'd understand, but I just don't get it. She has been cooperative. She's been doing what we've demanded. And based on what I've heard, she's supportive.

"I think you and Spinner are worried over nothing," I say, pushing up from my seat. My feet scuff the carpet. "Illika seems loyal to us and our cause. As of now, I say just let her be."

"And if she was to turn on us?"

I shrug. "Then we burn her, just like Dabi said."

"But if that's not enough to deter her?"

I smile. "Then we'll take it a step further and I'll just turn her to dust."

**Bello lovelies! Short chapter today but look! A Tomura POV! It seems he's not all that worried about Illika pulling any stunts. To be honest, we all know where she stands when it comes to the PLF, so he's not wrong to feel that way. Or is he? Guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out! Went to the gym this morning with my sister and swam. We swam for about an hour. I felt that when I got out that's all I'm gonna say lol. My legs were Jell-O. They still kind of are but I feel good overall. It was nice. Anyway. Random, I know. But thank ya so much for joining me in another chapter! Y'all are the absolute bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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