Chapter 25: Too Much Fun

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I don't usually drink.

Alcohol has always tasted too bitter and never settled well with my stomach. And I don't like how it makes my head fuzzy, but right now, I don't care.

I throw my head back, taking the last swig of the bourbon in my glass. It burns like fire the whole way down, settling in my stomach. I cringe, but wipe my mouth and take a deep breath.

"I don't think I've ever seen you drink," says Compress. He looks at the bottle of bourbon at my side, then my empty glass, then me. "Did the mission leave you feeling overwhelmed?"

No. I don't think it was the mission. Was it? Is it? I glance down at myself. I look fine. Not a single scratch on me.

I shake my head. "No. I just felt like drinking."

He is silent for a moment, then: "If you say so. Will you be joining the rest of us in the hall? Re-Destro has arranged for a celebratory feast to celebrate the mission's success."

"No. I'm not feeling much for a party."

He snorts. "I'd hardly call it a party, Shigaraki." He grows quiet, his eyes searching me. "You know, to keep morale high, it wouldn't be a horrible idea if our people saw an appearance from our leader. Just suggestion."

He leaves, and I am left to myself and to my thoughts. They're loud. Static muffles all talking at once. And then one voice rises above them all. One that echoes and screams.

"Tenko! What did I tell you, Tenko? I told you to stop!"

Stop. Stop what? And why should I stop?

I look down at my empty glass. A drop of golden liquid rolls down it. I smile. Why should I stop? Why would I stop? I'm having way too much fun. I don't know if I've ever had this much fun. It's exciting.

I toss back the glass, allowing the droplet to trickle onto my tongue then hop to my feet. Maybe Compress is right. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to join the festivities. At least for a little bit.

I walk, making my way from my hidden den to the hall. Inside, people are gathered, all clustered in their groups. There is laughter and muffled conversations as the smell of food lingers in the air.

I scan and see it all, just taking it in but stop when I see her. She stands next to Toga, smiling as they talk. I don't know what they're saying. I can't hear them and I can't read their lips, but that doesn't matter.

Because all I can think about it remembering how she tasted.

**Bello lovelies! Boom. Tomura POV. Not gonna lie, I find it so difficult to switch to him. Like, it's fun because it's a different POV but it feels weird because I struggle with his tone. Especially right now. It might get easier, it might not. In the end, there will still be Tomura POVs. In the end, it's still all fun. But will the story stay fun? Hmm. Guess we'll all have to stayed tuned! As always, thank y'all so freakin' much for everything! Y'all are coolio! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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