MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-Kaylee gets attacked!

Well another shift was finally over and I'm sitting in the hospital parking lot, waiting for my car to warm up. I'm sorely tempted to just go home to my house instead of the club house. I needed time to think but right now I'm just too tired. These 12 hours shifts were really taking a toll on me. I've only been back to work for a couple of months and while I've always liked my job, I thought that when I met the man of my dreams, that we would marry, make some babies. I would be able to quit and wouldn't have to work these insane hours anymore.

Well, I have met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with but I'm beginning to think that maybe Boomer has changed his mind about making me his old lady. The original plan was that I would only stay at the clubhouse until I had healed up from the beating that Greg gave me and then Boomer would move into my house with me but somewhere along the line, that didn't happen and it makes me wonder if Boomer has changed his mind.

Since I've been at the clubhouse, we've had several of the brothers find their old ladies. The women have their cuts and are sporting very nice engagement rings, yet since I came "home" from the hospital, all talk about us living together in my house has basically stopped. He has not given me my cut nor has he proposed to me. He says he loves me and I know I love him but everyday that goes by I can't help but wonder if maybe he's changed his mind.

I don't think I can deal with this. It's going to tear my heart out if Boomer has changed his mind and is going to dump me. When Rooster and the others were out of town in Chicago, I understood that Boomer was trying to pick up the slack while they were gone but I've been living at the clubhouse for over 6, almost 7 months months now.

Boomer even walked Nessa down the aisle! I thought for sure that was going to make him realize that he had not proposed to me yet but so far, nothing. So far, Claire and I are the only ones who have not received our rings and cuts yet. Claire hasn't either but she just got here but Circuit has already let his intentions be known to the entire club and Dixie told me her cut has been ordered and she was pretty sure that Circuit had ordered her ring.

I don't want to seem like I'm trying to push him into anything but at the same time, I want us to move forward. Right now, I feel like we are kind of stuck in dating mode.

I finally put my car in gear and reversed out of my parking space. I was totally lost in my thoughts as I drove out of the parking lot and started towards the clubhouse but as I got close to the turn off to my house, I decided to go home. I needed to take time for myself, to think things through. My heart felt sore and I wondered if Millie was still up. I needed to talk to her.

I pulled into my driveway and sat looking at my house. I had only been back here twice since I got out of the hospital, to get clothes to take to the clubhouse. I got out of my car and walked up to the house. I let myself in and then reset the alarm and made sure the door was locked. I know my way around this house very well so I didn't even bother to flip on the lights as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. I left my purse on the kitchen counter as I walked back to my bedroom. I stripped down, dumping my nurse's uniform in my hamper before I turned on the water in the shower. I adjusted the temperature and made sure I had shampoo and soap in there.

I climbed in and just let the water beat down on my head and shoulders, easing the tension between my shoulder blades. My mind was consumed with Boomer and trying to guess what was going on in his head. He had swept into my life so unexpectedly, literally swept me off my feet and made me believe that he truly cared about me. It had all happened so fast. Maybe too fast. Maybe that's the problem. We both kind of jumped into this too fast and maybe now he is regretting it? I know if he asked me today to be more than his lady, I would say yes! I love him so much.

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