MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-Another mole in the club!

Dixie's POV

"How did they find out about you? I mean, you are not a Cobra rescue, why come after you?" Nessa asked.

"Probably because she's been seen with Boomer but she hasn't been claimed yet." I said. I've been with the biker community the longest so I know more about why stuff like this happened but even I had to admit that I'm just guessing.

"Well, that changed tonight! Boomer asked me to be his old lady and I accepted." I said happily.

"Well, congratulations!" All of the ladies said.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't count until he does it in front of the whole club and she has to accept in front of the whole club. Ladies, I'm going to say something that needs to stay in this room, between just us. Agreed?" I said.

Everyone nodded and Marley said "What's on your mind, Dix?"

"When Boomer makes the announcement, I want all of you to help me watch EVERYONE in the club, especially the prospects. Watch their facial expressions. Whether or not any of them stand up and leave right after, if they do, alert your man to follow them quietly. I'm not going to say anything to any of the men yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we've got another mole.

Kaylee, you are the only old lady that has a job away from the clubhouse. The only way they could have known where you work and about what time you get off is if someone is passing them information. They had to have followed you home from work because otherwise, how could they have known where you live or that you would go there tonight? You usually stay here at the clubhouse. I'd bet money they were going to ambush you on the road." I said and they all agreed with me.

"Annalisa. Marley. I know you two don't want to hear this but I think you had better plan on moving back in here. Annalisa, for you, at least until your babies are born. Marley, I wouldn't let Simon play outside the house alone but here at least there are enough eyes on him to keep him safe." I said and while both women wanted to object, you could tell by the looks on their faces, they both had to agree with my reasoning.

"Also, whether your men like it or not, you guys need to learn how to shoot a gun and how to defend yourselves. You ladies who are pregnant will be excused but as soon as you give birth and have healed, you need to learn too." I told them.

"I can teach you." Claire said and everyone turned to look at her with wide eyes. "I survived living with Cobras for almost 18 years because I learned early on how to protect myself. I know how to fight, I just don't like to. I took classes in boxing and some light martial arts. I can teach you the basics at least."

"I think that is an excellent idea. We can't depend on the men to protect us all the time. There are going to be times when we are alone or the guys can't be right there with us and we should be able to protect not only ourselves but our children." Marley said.

"I told Eagle that right after we first met and he showed me how to do it but to be honest, I'm not sure if I could aim a gun at a human being and pull the trigger." Annalisa said.

"If they are going to hurt your family, especially your children, you will be amazed at what you can do." Marley said in a rather deadpan voice.

Charlie and I looked at each other. We were the only two that had been around when Marley killed the gang leader that had bought her from her brothers years ago.

Just then the door across the hall opened and the men started filing out, going back to the bar but the husbands all came to collect their wives. I nodded at the women and everyone silently agreed that they would go back to the bar to witness Boomer announcing that Kaylee was now his woman.

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