MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-Manny has a relapse

Doc's POV

Manny had both arms up on the dining room table and was laying the top half of his body on it. I touched his shoulder and even though Manny opened his eyes, he didn't sit up.

"Manny? What's going on, son?" I asked.

"I don't know Doc. We just went outside for a little while and just walked the back yard but on the way back I began to get really tired really fast. As soon as we came in the back door, I felt like I was going to pass out. I feel so weak and tired right now." Manny admitted softly, as if he was exhausted.

"Manny, I'm going to call and talk to Dr. Green. I think we need to send you back to the hospital to get a Renal scan done. Let me get a couple of the boys to come take you upstairs." I said and left the dining room to go look for Rooster. I knocked on Rooster's office door and when I heard him call "Come in." I opened the door and entered his office.

"Rooster, I need some help getting Manny upstairs. I don't want to scare him but I've got a feeling his kidney is not healing the way we had hoped. I'm going to contact Dr. Green and talk to him but in the meantime, Manny needs to be carried back to bed." I told him. "It might just be that his Iron levels are low but I don't have the equipment here to test him for that. I know it takes a long time for his ribs to completely heal and that may be part of the problem but it shouldn't be having this kind of effect and with him having the damage he had to his kidney, makes me worry."

Rooster got in touch with Hulk, who was working with the prospects in the basement gym, to hurry and come carry Manny upstairs. I ran back to the clinic and got my bag.

Millie was in the clinic when I came back and I said "Honey, I may need your help with Cheryl. Manny is not doing well and she's very upset. Can you come up to their room with me, please?" I grabbed my bag, made sure I had what I needed and together we hurried back upstairs and into their room to find Cheryl sitting on the side of the bed, holding Manny's hand, looking very worried.

As soon as we entered the room, Millie told Cheryl, "Come on hon. Let's go sit over here so Doc can look Manny over." She led Cheryl over to the sofa by the window and together they sat down, Millie with one arm around Cheryl's shoulders and the other holding her hand.

I took his blood pressure, pulse, listened to his heart and his breathing as well as trying to hear, if I could, anything happening with his kidney that had been injured.

"Has he eaten today?" I asked Cheryl. I hadn't been paying attention at lunch time to notice if Manny had eaten or not but did know he had been in the dining room because he had come back to the clinic with me.

"I don't know. I had just gotten home from school and took a shower then we went over to the shed where he spent about half an hour drooling over the bikes and then we walked the length of the back yard. He seemed fine until we were almost half way back to the house when he seemed to slow down. By the time we got to the back door, he was pale and said he felt weak. We barely made it to the dining room when he said he needed to sit down. That's when I ran for you."

"He was in the dining room at lunch time but I didn't pay attention to whether or not he was eating. Millie went to town this morning so I had my lunch there and he walked back to the clinic with me and I checked him over. He seemed to be fine then and I told him to take a walk because I didn't think he would be in any danger. Has he been stressed out a lot lately?" I asked her. This was becoming more and more of a mystery.

"Yes. We both have. Our final exams for graduation are tomorrow. We've both been studying like mad and I bet it's even harder for Manny because he's been taking classes online. Most people think that makes it easier but it's not really. You don't get to interact with the teacher or to hear other students' questions online.

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