MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-Manny's revelation

"Grab your weapon and come with me to the hospital." I told Boomer as we left the dining room.

"Are you expecting trouble at the hospital?" Boomer said and I felt his step quicken as we headed upstairs to get our guns.

"No, but you know we don't ride without them. I want to relieve Hunter and Crush for dinner plus I can't get this kid, Manny, out of my mind. I swear that if he doesn't make it, I'm going to tell Carl to let me have just 10 minutes alone with his old man and then I'm going to beat him like he beat his son. The father is almost as big as me and his son is about Kaylee's size, taller but not any heavier."

"Damn. Save me a hit or two?" Boomer jokes, before he left me to go to collect his gun while I entered my room and retrieved my gun from the gun safe.

Five minutes later, we met back up in the front hall. We left the house and climbed on our bikes and cruised down to the hospital. There was no reason to rush so we just enjoyed the early evening ride. The sun was going down and the sunset was beautiful. I hope that means good omens.

Twenty minutes later, we were walking into the emergency room waiting room but there was no Hunter or Crusher anywhere. I asked at the desk and found out that they had gone up to the second floor, where the ICU was located.

We took the elevator upstairs and found Hunter and Crusher talking with Kaylee and Dr. Green. They saw us coming and after greeting each other again, Dr. Green filled me in.

"This kid is one hell of a fighter, that's for damn sure. I don't know if letting that little girl in there was the turning point or not but she's good medicine for him and if anyone tries to argue with me about what I saw and heard, I will sue them for libel." Dr. Green said and Kaylee nodded. "I've been a doctor for over 40 years and this without a doubt is the strangest thing I've ever seen. I now believe there is life after death or at the very least someone waiting for us on the other side."

I felt shivers run up my spine and Kaylee looked to be a little shaken up as she leaned into Boomer and put one arm around his back.

Kaylee's POV

Dr. Green asked me to stay and work OT tonight because of the kid, Manny, we operated on earlier today. He is in rough shape and to be honest even though Dr. Green had done some amazing surgery on him already, it would be a miracle if Manny survives the night.

Both Dr. Green and I were standing by his bed, checking up on him. Dr. Green was listening to his chest and I was reading the stats from the monitoring equipment we had hooked Manny to. He has so many wires and tubes running in and out of his body right now, but it was all helping to keep him alive and allows us to see what is happening with him without having to disturb him too much.

Suddenly, he took a large breath and we thought, "this is it". Many patients took one last large breath just before they died and we both thought Manny had just taken his. Except for the gentle beeping of the heart monitor, you could have heard a pin drop in that room.

Then out of the blue, we heard Manny whisper "I miss you so much, Dan." A shiver raced up my spine and I got goosebumps all over my body, I swear. Dr. Green and I looked at each other and even he leaned back in surprise. Then Manny whispered "I know, Danny, but I want to have a life with Cheryl too. I wish you could have met her. I think you would have loved her. I know I do." He seemed to listen for a moment and then said "I don't know if they will let her in here. No, Dan. Wait. Don't go yet." He seemed to become very agitated after that and his heart monitor started to beep like crazy. Dr. Green and I looked at each other and I took off running for the waiting room.

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