MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Watching over Manny

Dr. Green came in and could smell the food. "I can tell that you did not have to suffer through our hospital fare this morning. Good morning, Hulk. How are you?"

"I'm good Doc. How about you? I heard you are going to retire soon?" Hulk asked.

"Yep. As soon as Manny is out of danger, which looks like it is going to be sooner than I expected, I'm taking my wife and moving to Florida where it's warm all the time. She has bad arthritis and can't take the colder weather in the winter months." Dr. Green said. "So, Manny. How are you doing this morning?"

"Better. I slept like a rock for the first time in a very long time." Manny answered.

"Are you in any pain?" Dr. Green asked.

"Not much. Kind of stiff and sore but it's been worse before." Manny said.

"Everyone, please be quiet so that I can listen to his heart and lungs." Dr. Green said as he put the ends of his stethoscope in his ears and the other end to Manny's chest. He moved it around several times and then looked at me and said "Cheryl, do you remember how Kaylee helped me roll Manny so that I could listen to his back?"

"Yes, sir. Do you need me to help you?" I answered.

"If you don't mind, yes, please." he said and Manny got a big grin on his face. He held his arms up to me and I smiled at him as I slipped my hands under his arms and grabbed his shoulders, holding him close to me. I helped him roll to the side while Dr. Green listened to his lungs. While I held him like that, Dr. Green lifted the back side of the hospital gown and looked at the bruise on his back over his kidney then helped me to roll Manny back flat. I noticed that he let out a slight woosh and a small grunt as we laid him down.

"Does it hurt, Manny?" I asked.

"Yeah, when I move it does. Feels kind of swollen back there." Manny admitted.

"Manny, I think I'm going to order a CT scan to look at your kidneys. The bruise doesn't appear to be getting any worse but I want to be sure." Dr. Green said.

"Okay, I guess." Manny asked and then looked kind of embarrassed to ask but realized that he needed to know. "Dr. Green? How much is this all going to cost me? I don't have any medical insurance and no job." He said as his cheeks turned red.

"There will be a financial officer up to talk to you in a day or two to help you apply for state medical. They should cover everything. You are still a student in high school who is already 18 so you should be covered. I haven't heard if they managed to contact your mother yet or not. But don't you worry about it. She won't be charged since you are now 18, she is not responsible for your bills anymore." Dr. Green seeing how Manny started to react to the comment about his mother. "For now, relax. Someone will be up to take you downstairs for the scan. I'll be back as soon as I have the results." He said and then left the room. I hope I was the only one who had noticed the worried look on his face.

"We'd better get back to our posts. Our relief is going to be showing up soon. If I don't get assigned to watch over you again, it was very nice meeting both of you." Hulk said.

"Thanks, Hulk. It was nice meeting you too." I told him. He and Ronnie left the room and I sat down next to Manny's bed, holding his hand.

"Penny for your thoughts, babe." Manny said.

"Just wondering when my mom is going to get here with my clothes. She's leaving my dad and moving into an apartment near her shop in Dallas. She's as sick of his controlling ways as I am. I talked to her last night and we have her blessings." I told him. I wanted to tell him that she wants to design my wedding gown but I want him to ask me to be his wife first. I know we've already talked about it but he hasn't formally proposed yet.

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