MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-Rescuing Rudy "the mole's" lady

I had kissed my son goodbye and as Dixie and I returned to the main living room, my phone rang and it was Carl MacIntosh.

"I talked to Sheriff Mendoza and he said he will welcome your help. Apparently the Cobras have been causing trouble there for a couple of weeks now. Acer City only has a dozen officers to cover day and night shifts and the Cobras have been running them crazy, fighting with locals, harassing women at the only two restaurants in town and at the grocery store, not to mention just scaring the piss out of women walking down the street.

There's one guy whose face is all scarred up that Daniel said he doesn't think he has all of his mental facilities. Acts crazy, sticking his tongue out at women and making strange noises while he grabs his crotch. Where are these guys coming from and why, Rooster?"

The one with the scarred face sounds like Tommy Boy. He's Bull's nephew. Bull is the prez for the North West chapter of the Cobras and both of them are sick perverted bastards here after my sister, Claire. They tried coming after Boomer's old lady, Kaylee earlier tonight but we took care of that.

We found out about this group being in Acer City because they snuck a mole in here on us. Come to find out the kid's girlfriend is being held hostage by them and she's pregnant so we are going to go get her tonight. Just tell Daniel to stay out of our way. We'll remove the bodies so he doesn't have to deal with it."

"I'll let him know. Be safe. I look forward to meeting your sister. I didn't even know you had a sister." Carl said.

"Yeah, she's Joyce's daughter from a marriage after King. We just found each other a little while ago. Come by and meet her one day." I said before I hung up.

I reentered the bar to find everyone waiting for me. Circuit was passing out coms and testing them to be sure they all worked. He handed me one and tested it. "Be safe, Prez." He said in my ear.

"Always. Take care of Claire. Tell her we are going to take out Tommy Boy and Bull for her." I told him.

Ten minutes later, we were all on the road, headed for Acer City. Forty five minutes later, we hit the road behind MacDonald St. right off the highway leading into town. We decided to park about 50 yards down the road on the edge of the open field and got in the vans. We drove down to where we saw the fence we had seen online and I told the prospects to stop and let us out.

"Park here and wait for us. There's a turn right up there that goes right by the house. It's your only other escape so turn these vans around and be ready to go as soon as we get back. Make sure to unlock the back doors but don't open them until we let you know we are coming. No excess talking and keep your voices down. Voices carry over open areas like this. Make sure your guns are ready and you have easy access." I directed the prospects before we took off across the "back yard".

It was a lot farther to the house than it had looked online so thank goodness it was dark. There was only a sliver of the moon for light, so we were very thankful for the night goggles that we were all wearing. If the weather was warmer, I would have been seriously worried about snakes, the kind that bite and are venomous, which this weed filled area would be a perfect type of environment for them.

After checking that there was no one in the lean too in the yard, Rudy led us up to the window where he thought Jullian was being held and found her sitting on the side of the bed. The door was closed and she was reading a book when he peeped in the window. She almost screamed but he put his finger to his lips and she looked over her shoulder and seemed to listen for a moment before she moved. That's when we realized that they had tied her leg to the bed and she only had about a three foot reach. She must have tried to run. We motioned for her to sit down and act like she was still reading as we found the nails holding the window closed. Thankfully they were not pounded in all the way but they made some noise coming out.

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