MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-Another hospital visit for Manny

"Hey, I just remembered our laundry is still in the washer. I'd better go put it in the dryer or we are going to be running around naked tomorrow." I told him, when suddenly there was another knock on our door. This time it was Dixie and she was with another prospect named Kevin who was carrying our hamper.

"I found your laundry in the washer so I finished it up and here it is." Dixie said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was going to finish it when Manny and I came back from our walk but then he got sick and I totally forgot about it until just now. I was just telling Manny I was about to go down and finish it up. I was kind of hoping to run into you too. I heard you are looking for someone to do some sewing for the club?" I asked her as Kevin walked over to the closet and set it down.

"Thanks Kevin. I'll get it from there." I told him and he hurried back out of our room.

"Yes! Especially for Claire. Those big boobs of hers makes it hard to find things for her to wear that fit all over. She has to buy things big enough to fit over her boobs and then alter the rest. I know for me, I need new leathers for riding with Rooster. So does Marley and most of the other women. Marley and I have both gained weight after we had our babies and our old stuff doesn't fit anymore, especially in the booty and the thighs.

We'd also like to have someone who can make new cuts for us when we need them. Right now we have to go through a shop in Dallas and they can take a week or more to get them sometimes. Would be nice to have someone on site that could produce them in a day or two." Dixie explained.

"Including the embroidery?" I asked.

"Yes. That's what usually takes so long is the embroidery." Dixie said.

"Well, to be honest, I've never worked with leather before but it's just another material so I don't see why I couldn't make it but the embroidery will require a special machine. I'll have to look into getting one if you are serious about it. How much would the job pay?" I asked.

"Now that is between you and Rooster. He sets the salaries and outlines what he expects out of you and what benefits the club will offer. But I will offer you a bit of advice. Like most men, Rooster has no idea about clothing and what it takes to make it. You figure out a price in your mind as to what you want and negotiate with him. Keep in mind, we supply your housing, meals, transportation for the prospects and insurance for both of you. If you end up in the hospital for any reason, we pay your copayment for any charges the insurance doesn't cover and that's all on top of what you earn working. Sounds fair?" Dixie said.

"More than fair. Sounds like a good deal. My mom has been wanting me to go to Dallas to work for her but Manny and I want to stay here. Neither of us care much for the big city except for special occasions and some of our shopping." I told her with a big smile.

"You said your mom has a ladies shop in Dallas? What's it called?" Dixie asked.

"Yeah, she has them in Dallas, Houston, Austin, New Orleans, and has been planning on expanding north and down into Florida. Everyone has a different focus. The one in Dallas is known as the Classy Chic Boutique. Right now, it's more high end business and evening wear but she wants to open another one that's more casual wear and that's what she was wanting me to focus on but I really don't want to go live in the city so this sounds really good. Her job would involve more of the retail side of things, which I can do but I'd rather focus on the design and sewing part of it. Can I think about it?" I asked her.

"Sure. But you've got enough on your plate right now so don't worry about it. Just know the offer is there." Dixie said and stood up to leave. "I'll have to check out your mom's shop when I'm in Dallas tomorrow. Hey, before I forget, I need to get both of your phone numbers and you need mine. If you don't already have your location turned on in your phone, make sure you turn them on. If you are ever in trouble, just text me or any of the executive staff with "911" and we can track your phone right to your location.

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