MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-Gathering the Cobra's bikes

Rooster and the boys hadn't gotten back from rescuing Jullian, Rudy's pregnant girlfriend until after 1 am last night so I had gotten to bed really late last night. This morning, I woke up to find not only our bed empty but Sammy's crib as well. I got dressed and a glance at the clock told me that it was already past breakfast. I felt guilty for sleeping in but boy do I feel so much better. I hadn't slept that well in a while. I got dressed and then went down to the kitchen and found Claire flipping through a cookbook, looking for something to make.

"Good morning!" I said and she looked up and smiled.

"Well, good morning sleepy head. Have a good rest?" Claire teased.

"Oh yes. I haven't slept uninterrupted and that well since before I got pregnant with Sammy. Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Well, let me see. Marley and Hunter, Annalisa and Eagle took their kids and went home. Boomer took Kaylee to work, claiming he doesn't want her driving alone anymore. Charlie and Cruise took off with Millie to go look at Millie's house and see if it's something they will be interested in. Boxer and Hulk are working with the men on weight training today. Tiana and Nessa went to get mani pedi's and their hair done since their men are taking them out tonight. And your husband disappeared with your son into his office right after breakfast. The rest of the men are training, I think. Circuit is in his office and Jullian is having morning sickness so Rudy is with her. Did I miss anyone?" Claire said, giving me the rundown on everyone.

I laughed and said "Only the prospects, I think."

"Oh, they are out cleaning out the vans that got used last night. My understanding is that after lunch, a bunch of the guys are going to go pick up the Cobras bikes and bring them back here. Rooster said there were a bunch of really nice bikes there and he's going to either use them for new members or sell them." Claire said.

"You really are getting the hang of being here, aren't you?" I grinned at her.

"And loving every minute of it!" She grinned back at me. "This place is so different from the Cobra club house."

"I bet. Did you save me any breakfast?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course. There's a plate for you in the warmer tray in the oven." She told me.

I was about half way through my breakfast when Jullian and Rudy came back into the kitchen.

"Good morning. Not feeling well today?" I asked Jullian as she gingerly sat down at the other end of the counter.

"No. I felt fine when I first woke up but then I took one look at the eggs and suddenly I felt very sick to my stomach. I hope I'm not coming down with something." Jullian said and Claire and I smiled at each other.

"Oh, honey you have it already. It's called morning sickness. You are lucky to have waited this long to get it. I started being sick in the middle of my second month and it lasted for almost three months! I was in misery for half of each day but once it passed, I would eat like a pig." I told her.

"Is there anything I can do to make it not so bad?" Jullian said, looking rather green. "Maybe some ginger ale?"

"Flat sprite and dry toast or crackers helped me. Everyone is different. Poor Marley was sick for 5 months with Simon and barely had anything with Faith. You'll learn what not to eat and what is okay to have. Things that normally give you gas or are very spicy, stay away from them. Too much salt, which was my downfall, makes your feet and legs swell. Too much sugar will make you have dizzy spells. We'll need to get you set up with the OBGYN in town to get you some prenatal vitamins and some pills to help with the nausea." I told her as I finished up my breakfast. I took the plate to the sink and rinsed it off.

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