MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-Manny & Cheryl prepare for Graduation

Manny's POV

I was in the hospital for two whole weeks before Dr. Green finally released me and that was only because Rooster guaranteed him that I would be staying at the MSMC clubhouse until I was fully recovered.

Cheryl had not been really pleased with the situation at first but Dr. Green was adamant that the only way he was going to release me was if I had people with medical training around to watch over me so she had finally agreed.

The old ladies of the MC had all come around to meet us while I was in the hospital and we had gotten to know them when they brought us food. Once we were settled into the clubhouse, they had also talked to her and convinced her that I had been right about her finishing school and she finally gave in and went back to school to finish out the school year.

In the meantime, Circuit supplied me with a computer and I've been doing my classes online and, like we've always done, Cheryl and I study together in the evenings after she gets home.

We sleep together in the same bed but we still haven't been intimate beyond lots of kissing and some heavy petting. I'm finding it very frustrating to wait but it's not Cheryl's fault. While my teenage male hormones are working normally, my energy levels are still not what they usually are and the pains of my ribs really keeps me from moving around much, even though it's been over a month now since my father beat the shit out of me.

I think Cheryl is waiting for me to propose and if I had the ring, I would. I've been saving every cent I made working part time and last summer and I even picked out the ring but I can't get to Wichita Falls to get it. I'd had to depend on Quizzer, who had to drive me several times to the hospital and we had become friends. I felt rather guilty that I had to ask him to pick up Cheryl's birthday present for me. I'd found and bought her an ID charm bracelet from the jewelry store in Wichita Falls and had it engraved with her name on the front and "Love Manny" on the underside. It had her birthstone in the shape of a heart hanging from it like a charm. She'd made a big deal about it to all the old ladies, showing it off with a big smile on her face.

Doc and Millie's wedding reception is in two days and we're going to attend. Dixie and the ladies got me some dress slacks and a nice shirt to wear as well as some nice dress shoes. The old ladies have been great in helping Cheryl and I get settled in here. Cheryl hadn't been too keen on it at first but once she saw our room and had a long talk with the old ladies, she had finally agreed that living with the MC might be a good option for us, at least starting out.

Her father was pissed but there wasn't anything he could really do about it. Her mom however was very supportive and helped us out a lot. I had finally met her in person the day before I checked out of the hospital. She was very nice and apologized for how her husband had treated me. She brought both of us new clothes and told us when we were ready, she would help us with furniture and stuff for our new place.

Neither one of us told her about our plans to live at the MSMC clubhouse until I was back on my feet at least. Rooster had arranged to have our trailer moved to the MSMC land and told us that if we decided that's where we were going to live, then we could either hook it up to the clubhouse's water and electric supply, if we decided to join the club. If not, we could move it wherever we wanted later.

Rooster has also arranged with the school principal to allow me to take my final exams here at the clubhouse. The school counselor is due to show up here tomorrow to give them to me and I have been studying like a demon. Cheryl is also due to take finals tomorrow and then graduation is in a little over a week. I'm really hoping that I will be healed enough by then to walk the line with my class.

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