MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Rescuing Manny

After dinner, the prospects that had been taking care of the bodies last night came over and told me, "Prez, can we talk to you for a second in private?"

"Sure. Come to my office." I told them and even though Dixie had a concerned look on her face, she didn't follow us.

We walked to my office and I closed the door behind us and told them, "Have a seat boys." They all sat down on the sofa and I sat down on an easy chair across from them. "So what's up?"

"Last night, as you know we had 16 bodies to take care of. We took them up to where you told us to go and cut up 8 of them, and that's a lot of meat by the way, and 2 of us began spreading them around the mountain. The wolves were being very aggressive, I think because of the smell of fresh blood. Anyway, we cut up four more but before we could finish, the wolves were coming to us.

None of us were willing to become wolf food so we shoved the rest of the bodies in a small cave not far from there and covered them with brush as best we could. We threw the cut up ones as far as we could without going too far from the fire. The wolves were getting very aggressive and we were very nervous. I can't say for sure but they are either going rabid or there are more now than there used to be." Ronnie, the oldest of the prospects, told me.

"Weren't any of you packing weapons last night?" I asked.

"Yes sir but we weren't sure how you would take to us killing your meat disposal animals." Ronnie said and I nearly laughed and couldn't help the small smile that crossed my face.

"I guess I can understand your hesitation but we supply you with the guns to protect yourself and your brothers against attack and that doesn't matter if it's another biker gang or a pack of wolves. If someone or something threatens to kill you, kill it!" I told them. "So there are still bodies to be dealt with up there?"

"Yes, sir. We'll go up and take care of it, but would appreciate some back up to stand guard while we take care of cutting them up and we want to ride double to distribute the meat. One person controls the bike while the other is ready to shoot if necessary." Ronnie said.

"You got it. Take Rudy with you. He's going to be facing some extra challenges here in the next few weeks. Don't be too hard on him during hazing because he had a good reason for what he did, he just went about it the wrong way. The MSMC is a family and in this family you have to be honest with all of the members, and be able to trust each other no matter what.

Rudy has never been around bikers before so didn't understand that he could have told us what was going on and we would have helped him. His only thought was to do as he was told to get his lady out of a bad situation.

Oh and before any of you even think about hitting on Jullian, she's untouchable. She's carrying Rudy's child and therefore is his woman. Let me find out that any of you put the move on her and you will be out of here so fast it will make your head spin. Understand me?" I told them, looking each one of them in the eye and they all nodded.

"I'll have a couple of members go with you guys armed and ready to defend you if the wolves come back. Take a van since it will be a place to hide if there are too many of them. I want to test Rudy, so make him help cut up the bodies. Ronnie, I want a report on how he reacts to it when you get back." I said and then dismissed them.

We all walked back to the dining room and I talked to Razor and Jailer and Rudy about going with the prospects to finish up the bodies. They all left the dining room and went to get it taken care of.

I sat back down next to Dixie and quietly told her what was going on and she didn't say anything but just nodded and said she was going to join the other ladies in the living room. "I think we need to get working on some wedding plans. It's going to be time for Millie and Doc's reception soon too. She doesn't want much but I do want the dining area and meeting room to look nice for it. And I have to talk to Claire about the menu!"

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