MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-Rescuing Sandy & Manny is critical in hospital

We hit the town of Coilney about 25 minutes later and using google maps, found the Burger joint where Sandy was supposed to be waiting for us. We parked out front and walked inside and right back to the back of the restaurant where we found a little girl who didn't even look like she was 12 years old. She was huddled in the corner of the booth like a scared little rabbit.

I crouched down at the end of the seat and asked "Sandy?"

"Are you Mr. Rooster?" She asked in a very timid voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, sweetie. It's me. Are you okay?" I asked her softly.

She started to nod and then her eyes filled with tears and she shook her head. "My bum hurts really bad."

Just then a tall, skinny, very staunch looking man came into the restaurant and stood looking around. He had graying brown hair and a long straight nose, which he seemed to look down as his eyes scanned the room. His thin lips were pursed and he had a square jaw and a cleft in his chin that was so prominent that it almost looked like he had two chins.

When he spotted Sandy sitting crouched in the booth and us standing there talking to her, he stomped over to us and demanded "What is going on here? Why are you talking to my daughter? Sandra, what are you doing here? I told you to come straight home from school!" He shouted for everyone to hear.

"Why? So you can put your hands on her again? Touch her in ways that a father should never touch his daughter? Did you know that she's already so bruised that she can't even stand to sit on that padded chair?" I shouted right back at him and saw his face go completely white as he glared at me with his mouth hanging open.

We heard gasps around the room and I yelled to the waitress to call the cops. "My name is Rooster. I'm the president of the Monster Slayers MC. We rescue neglected, abused and molested children from people like you. You are one sick bastard to have touched and harmed this innocent child like that! I'm authorized by the state to remove her from your custody and place her somewhere safe. I'm also making a citizen's arrest and you sir, are going to jail for child molestation and abuse." I said and Boomer and Boxer moved to stand behind him.

"You have no proof or right to take my daughter away from me nor to make any kind of arrest. Come on, Sandra, we are going home." He said, trying to push past me to get to his daughter who cowered away from him in fear.

"You will never put your hands on her again. Now back off." I said, pushing him in the chest.

Just then, two patrol cars came up outside with their lights on. Two patrolmen came inside and asked "What's going on here? Pastor Wilson? What's wrong?"

"You are a pastor? My God man. You are supposed to be a person the children of this community can come to for help. Not to be touched and molested and beaten." I yelled at him.

"What?" The senior patrolman asked. "Slow down and explain to me what is going on here." His badge read Sgt. Reed.

"Sergeant Reed? Sandy here sent me an email saying that her father here has been touching her inappropriately and that when she tries to refuse him, he spanks her so hard he leaves bruises. She is telling us that her bum hurts her so badly that she can barely sit on that padded chair." I explained.

"Sandra, is that true?" Sgt. Reed asked Sandy and she nodded. "Sandy, would you allow Ms. April here to take you into the girls room and look at your bottom so that she can confirm that you are bruised?" And again Sandy nodded her head.

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