MSMC Bk 5 - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-Cheryl's parents

We walked down to Manny's room and found him up and talking to everyone. Dr. Green stepped inside and said "I'm Dr. Green, the surgeon who operated on you, Manny. You, young man, are just full of wonderful surprises. I didn't expect you to be awake until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Green and thank you for saving me. I'm not really in pain but Kaylee told me you had to put a plate around a rib over my heart and I can feel the weight of it but it doesn't really hurt. Just feels a little heavier on that side." Manny said.

"Actually it's more likely that you are feeling the incision and maybe you're slightly bruised from me poking around in there to get the plate secure. I might have aggravated the bruising your father inflicted. The "plate" is more like heavy duty foil that I wrap around the bone and then screw it down with tiny little screws to hold it in place. It is however a permanent part of your body now. But if the sensation gets worse, you need to say something right away. Don't assume it will just stop and it can get more serious pretty quickly." Dr. Green said before he stuck the ends of his stethoscope in his ears and listened to Manny's heart. Then he told Kaylee, "Kaylee, help me roll him to the side a bit so that I can listen to his lungs."

Kaylee stepped to the side of the bed where Cheryl was sitting and put her arms under Manny's arms, cupping his shoulders as she carefully turned him to one side and Dr. Green quickly listened to his lungs, then helped Kaylee ease him back down flat again. Cheryl was watching every move Kaylee made like a hawk. I could tell that she was determined to do whatever she needed to do to help Manny on the road to recovery to get well.

"Well, it all sounds good, Manny. Please let me or a nurse know if you are in any pain or need anything." Dr. Green said.

"Can I have something to eat? I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten since I had cereal this morning." Manny asked and we saw Dr. Green smile.

"Sure. You don't have a stomach injury other than bruising but I would like for you to stick with a very light diet. Broth, soup and jello will make it easier for you to process. No dairy in any form, including cheese, so no pizza. When you are back on your feet, you'll be able to have meat, especially chicken and fish will be best but things with high protein will be good. Maybe for dinner tomorrow you can have something heavier.

I'm kind of worried about your kidney. I had to take your spleen out to stop the internal bleeding and one of your kidneys took a real beating and I don't want you to strain it too much."

"That must be from him kicking me in the back with his boots on. He'd been punching me in the face and stomach and I'm not big enough to fight him. He's more than twice my size and out weighs me by at least a hundred pounds. He punched me really hard in my ribs and it hurt so bad that I fell down on the floor and rolled up into a ball. I was trying to get under the bed like when I was a kid so that he couldn't reach me but I've gotten a little too big to do that anymore. He kicked me really hard in the back several times before I turned over and then he stomped on my chest. I felt something crack and I guess I blacked out for a while.

When I came to, I could barely move but I managed to crawl over to my door and lock it. Then I found my phone and emailed the MSMC on the website I had found a few nights ago. I guess I passed out again but woke up about an hour later when I heard my phone beep with an incoming message and it was Mr. Rooster. I begged him to come and get me because I was sure my dad was going to kill me this time." Manny told us.

"Well, he can't get to you here. I'm going to go see what I can get for you to eat and find him a room upstairs. Kaylee, you can go ahead and go home if you want. I'm going to be here for a while. Now that he's out of the woods, I think the regular staff can watch over him. It's too bad Millie beat me to retirement." Dr. Green said then left the room.

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