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You listened to Mark through the door. He was talking about you and Lily and sounding so.. broken.

He got quiet after he said, "Bye-bye."

A moment or two later, Mark came out of the room. He jumped as he probably wasn't expecting you to be there.

You just hugged the man that you wanted to know everything about, and he was familiar to you.. You just couldn't remember, and that was the worst part about it.

He hugged you back almost instantly.

He was sobbing harder now. You started to lose it.

"I just want to remember," You said, pulling away from him and turning around.

You were angry, upset... You had so many mixed emotions.

"Why can't I remember?!" You yelled, more cries escaping from your mouth.

"I want to remember," You said again, quietly this time.

Mark just stood beside you awkwardly. He wanted to hug you, but he knew he couldn't. At least, not yet.

"I want you to remember too," Mark finally said, putting one of his hands on your shoulder, putting one of your stray hairs behind your ear.

"I'm sorry," You managed to choke out.

"Why are you sorry? If it wasn't for me, you'd still remember. And Lily would be here," Mark said.

"I'm sorry for not remembering," You said.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm so sorry, (y/n)," Mark cried, "I know you're not ready for our relationship again, but I love you."

You just stood there and let Mark kiss your cheek. He turned around and went to another room.

You just stood there. Tears were still falling down your face and you stared at the ground.

"Mark?" You asked loudly.

"I'm in the living room," He replied.

You went into the living room.

"I have a phone, right?" You asked him.

He stared at you, then finally nodded, "It surprisingly wasn't destroyed from the accident," Mark said.

"Where is it?" You asked Mark.

Mark showed you where your phone was and reminded you of the password. It's crazy how you could forget something as simple as a four digit passcode in the blink of an eye.

You went into your photos and videos and pulled up your videos.

You watched a few of your poorly recorded videos of yourself, Mark, Lily, and so on and so forth.

You got to a video of just you and Mark. It was just a short one, but you were laughing about something when Mark said, "I love you," on the recording. He sounded so truthful about it. You smiled.

You and Mark kissed during the video and you smiled really widely. You slightly remembered the day that it was recorded, but not as much as you'd like to.

Mark watched the videos with you. He sadly smiled at some of them.

"(Y/n)?" He asked you.

"Yeah?" You paused a video you were currently watching.

"I don't think I ever told you, or retold you I guess," He chuckled.

"What is it?" You asked him, a weird smile on your face.

"I'm a YouTuber. I have over seven million subscribers," Mark told you.

"No way?!" You said, "That's so cool!"

He laughed, "Your reaction to it is so funny."

"Sorry," You laughed, "That explains the recording room."

"Yeah," Mark said, smiling, "It'd be kind of weird to just randomly have a recording room."

"Can we record something?" You asked, legitimately interested in Mark being a YouTuber.

"Yeah, of course," Mark replied.

You walked to his recording room together.

"What kinds of videos do you make, exactly?" You asked him as you got to the room.

"I'm a gamer," Mark smiled, "And it's my job! That's the absolute best part!"

You grinned.

"What do you want to play?" Mark asked you.

"What is there?" You asked, feeling stupid.

"We could play Tug The Table or Mole Hammers," Mark said.

"Sounds fun," You said.

So you and Mark recorded Mole Hammers.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier!" Mark said, "And I'm here with my lovely wife, (y/n)! We're going to play Mole Hammers which I haven't played for a long time."

"Okay, so (y/n)," Mark said to you, "You just try to hit the moles to get points, and it's timed. There's also bunnies that pop up which deduct your score by 10. When the time runs out, whoever has the most points wins the round. I'm gonna edit this part out, just so you know.."

"Okay," You said.


"Yeah," You said, a focused look on your face.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Mark said a little too excitedly.

"Why am I so bad at this?!" Mark screamed when you were both almost done playing.

"Fuck!" Mark yelled, "Shit! Cocks and balls! God fucking dammit!"

You laughed when it said, "Red player wins!" (Because you were the red player xD)

Mark crossed his arms and sat back in his chair, a pout on his face.

"Aw," You said, "Is Markimoo upset because he was beaten by a girl?"

"No," Mark lied, trying not to grin, "I'm not a bubble blowin' baby."

You hugged him, then pulled away and playfully smacked his face.

"Well," Mark said, "I'm going to end this video here."

"I hope you guys liked watching me rage, and liked watching (y/n) kick my ass at this mother fucking piece of shit game. Click the annotations down below to see more rage games that I've done! And as always... I will see you.. In the next video. Bye-bye!!" Mark put on a silly grin and the both of you waved to the camera.

"That was so much fun," You said, grinning.

"Yeah," Mark grinned back, "Even though I lost, it was still so much fun playing it with you."

You both stared at each other for a long time.

Then, you surprised both yourself and Mark when you reached for his hand.

He, of course, held your hand in his own. You just sat in that room with your hands intertwined, staring at each other with sparkling eyes.

/a/n :)

Dedicated to DestinyCampbel6 because she's my favorite person at the moment, and because why not.

If you liked this chapter, punch the vote button in the face like a boss!!

Bye-bye, bishes!!!!

Emily xxx :D :3

I Gave You Everything {Markiplier X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now