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Phoenix was ten years old, and in the fifth grade.

While she was at school, you and Mark were going to the pet store to get a pet dog, something that Phoenix had wanted for a while now.

You got a female golden retriever who was still a puppy. You didn't name it yet because you wanted Phoenix to have the choice.

You took the puppy home, (you'd already gotten all of the things for the animal), and placed all of her necessary items in the places where they should be.

At the end of Phoenix's school day, Mark left the house to pick her up.

"Drive safe," You told him.

He pecked your lips, "I will."

He left the house and a few minutes later, he came back with Phoenix.

"Today was fun," She said when she walked in the house. Then she saw the puppy and gasped.

"We got a dog!" You said, "She's a girl, what do you want to name her?"

Phoenix thought about it for a little bit, "Can I name her after my middle name?"

You and Mark froze, then looked at each other. Your eyes begged Mark to not let her name it that. He nodded.

"Sorry, baby," He said, giving his daughter a hug, "You can name her anything else but that."

She nodded as Mark pulled away from the hug, "Okay. Umm... how about Rosie?"

"That's a nice name," You said, ruffling Phoenix's hair, causing her to giggle.

"Yay!" She clapped happily.

"Well I need a nap," Mark said, "I was up late last night editing."

"Okay," You smiled. Mark pecked you on the lips then went up the stairs.

"Daddy's always busy," Phoenix frowned.

You sat on the carpeted floor and patted ye floor in front of you for Phoenix to sit down. She sat, facing you.

"I'm gonna tell you a secret," You said, "Daddy's going to retire from YouTube soon."

Her mouth dropped open, "How are we gonna make money?!"

"He's gonna go back to school and get a job," You said.

"Back to school?" She asked, clearly confused.

"College," You clarified for your daughter.

"Oh," She said, "Okay."

"Yeah," You said, "Well do you have any homework?"

She nodded, "I have spelling homework. And math.. I need help."

So you helped her with her homework, lasting an hour in the process.

Mark walked into Phoenix's bedroom as you were finishing up helping her with the homework.

"My two favorite girls hard at work," Mark greeted.

You laughed and stood up, giving Mark a kiss on the cheek.

After you pulled away he gave you a surprise kiss on the lips.

"Gross!" Phoenix shouted.

You and Mark laughed after she said that.

One happy family.

/a/n I'm so sorry for the wait on the chapter. I've been struck with some writers block, purely this story, which sucks because I want to end it sooner than later.

BIG SHOUTOUT to Caroline13Moonwalker for giving me an amazing idea on how to end this story.

I'm hoping to make the story only about 25 chapters at the longest, plus an author's note chapter at the end.

Thank you all for bearing with me in this chapter because I know most of you are getting really impatient with me/this story, or you've just moved on to other stories to read, which is perfectly fine. I've been there. :)

Well I love you, and once again I apologize for the extremely late update, AND the unusually short chapter.

I will see you, in the next chapter.


p.s. i'm really sorry D:

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