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Phoenix was now sixteen.

You and Mark were going to pick her up from school. Once her school day was over, she left the building and found you parked outside. She got in the car with an irritated look on her face.

"Are you okay honey?" You asked.

"Shut up," She said rudely, "I want to go home."

She had been like this for a couple of years now. She was one of those rebellious teens. She ended up getting her hair dyed dark purple and she's gotten a nose piercing, along with small gauges in her ears.

She was dating a guy who was a senior in high school whereas she was a junior.

She was dating a nice kid who understood her. They were into completely different interests, but Phoenix knew she loved him - or at least, she thought she did.

Mark began to drive, "You need to learn some more respect, young lady."

Phoenix scowled at her father, "Fuck you."

"That was uncalled for!" You yelled, "You need to apologize right now!"

"(Y/n)," Mark said, "It's okay. I'm used to it by now."

Phoenix made some rude remarks here and there, but it wasn't long until they were nearly home.

You were stopped at a stop sign and it looked as if no one was coming.

You were wrong.

Mark started driving again when you screamed at the top of your lungs. You were hit by a larger vehicle, it slamming into the passenger side of the car where you were seated.

The car rolled into a ditch when the driver from the other vehicle got out of their car, screaming and sobbing.

Mark coughed, "(Y/n)?!"

He began to cry as he coughed some more, "(Y/n)!!!"

He silenced a few moments later, his sobs coming to an abrupt end.

"Mom?" Phoenix groaned weakly.

"Mom! Dad?!" She looked ahead, seeing your torn, bloodied body, along with Mark's.

"MOM!! DAD!!" She screamed, thrusting around in her seat. She began to sob and she heard sirens gaining closer and louder.

A few minutes later, Phoenix had been pried out of the car. She hadn't suffered any major injuries, other than a concussion that would heal within a matter of days, from the crash.

You had died, and so had Mark. Sean McLoughlin had come all the way from Ireland to assist Phoenix in the hospital. She was his godchild after all. He was single; he was unmarried and without a girlfriend.

"Hi, Phoenix," Sean said when he finally arrived in the LA hospital.

"Hi, Sean," She said, extremely saddened.

A few minutes later, a nurse walked in.

"Phoenix Fischbach?" She asked, "I know it may be too soon, but I have something important to say. You had a sister, her name was Lily. She died about a year before you were born at the age of four. And if it wasn't clear already, your parents didn't survive the crash. I'm so sorry.."

She bursted into a fit of tears, hardly caring about the fact that she had a sister.

She was upset because her parents were dead, and she wasn't even nice to them before they died.

She screamed and tried to stand up. She was held back by Sean who was also crying. He had been a big part of Phoenix's life, and would soon be an even bigger part, as she would be moving in with him way back in Ireland to live out most of her days.

When she got better and was able to leave the hospital, about two days after the accident, Sean took her to her home where she had a mental breakdown. She was screaming at Jack and was sobbing. She fell to the floor and cried. Jack sat on the ground with her and hugged her as she cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Sean," She managed to say through her sobs.

"No," He said, crying himself, "I'm sorry."

She had collected her things, also grabbing a few of her parents' things and photo's of them as well. She didn't have many friends, so she didn't need to say goodbye to anyone except for one girl and her boyfriend. His boyfriend ended up breaking off their relationship right then and there, causing her to cry some more.

A couple weeks later, she was boarding a plane on the way to Ireland.

She sat next to Sean the way there. He tried to lighten her mood, but her only response was her putting her earbuds in and blasting her music.

A few hours later, they arrived at the airport in Ireland. They got a taxi and got to Sean's house, that he'd gotten a couple years back, in a matter of minutes.

"Sorry," Sean apologized, "I never set up a room or anything. When I heard about... y'know.. I just immediately got a plane ticket and packed some stuff. I do have an extra mattress though, so that's something."

"Thank you," Phoenix said, "Thank you so much, Sean."

"You're welcome. It's not a problem at all."

Sean was still doing YouTube. He managed to keep his job this long. He had a lot of subscribers and he was still happy doing YouTube for a living.

"I'm sorry to be such a burden," Phoenix apologized.

"You're not burdening me," Sean sat down, as did Phoenix.

She managed to muster a small smile.

"So do you want to plan what your room will look like?" He asked her.

"Yeah," She said, "I brought my white Christmas lights to hang up."

"Sweetness!" Sean said, "You're gonna have the coolest room ever."

She laughed, then frowned.

Sean put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey.."

She quickly fell into his chest and sobbed. He began to cry as well.

"I was such a little shit to them before they died. I was the worst daughter ever and now they're gone. They're fucking dead."

"H-Hey, it's going to be okay," He comforted, "At least you're not alone, and at least I'm not anymore either."

"Thank you," She said softly.

He smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes as Phoenix pulled away and did the same.

"I think I'm going to take a break from recording.." Sean said, "I only think it's right."

"Yeah.." She said.

"But this is going to work out," Sean said, putting out his pinky, "I promise."

She interlocked her pinky with his, "Promise."



Thanks again to Caroline13Moonwalker !! She's a great writer, and an even better friend, so you better follow her. :3

But yeah, I was kind of sobbing while writing this, so don't feel bad if you cried as well, if my writing is even that good, idek.

I love you guys so much. It's so heartwarming that you guys feel as if my writing is good enough to read, vote, and comment for. You guys are amazing and I couldn't ask for a better audience.

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter. <3


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