Chapter 3

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Me and Clea had 2 options:

1. Pulling an 'all nighter' because we have to be at the airport at 7 AM.

2. Go to bed, and hope that we can be a little rested at the airport.

We probably choose 1 but it will be number 2. We had given Noor a bath an hour ago and she went to bed. After that my neighbour left too.

Noortje and I share a closet together, so her small suitcase was packed and already at the front door. When we went to the Netherlands together for a holiday, we had to go to the Decathlon. It was a big palace of junk, they had tents, bicycles, shoes, footballs, etc. Nora needed a new bag and then she chose a very cute one on wheels. Snow White was printed on the front and there were all kinds of little glitters stuck on it, personally I would have gone for the Cinderella one but Snow White was also very beautiful. Nora has taken over my love for Disney I must say, Lady and the Tramp is a personal favourite. How about you, reader?

Since we were in the decathlon , I also bought a new NIKE bag, because yes, why not. That bag was also by the front door, packed, I do need to pack my suitcase. There won't be much in it actually, my plan was to go shopping with Clea if I ever got a day off.

"Shall we plan our journey Ems? Our wine glasses were on the coffee table and if you looked closely you could see a speck of red lipstick on the edge of the glass. The bottle was also finished in the meantime, there was still a small layer in my glass but there was no way I was drinking that without throwing up.

"Clea you're a really big control freak, but okay then, because I love you so much."

"Okay, S-p-a-i-n. Tell me everything you can find, Google." She clicked enter. "Ooh Emma look, apartments in the Barcelona area. Apparently they write a strange circle thing under the 'c' of Barcelona. Did you know?"

Meanwhile I had stretched out on the couch and update my insta.

Did I ever show you all my insta, dear reader? I do not think so. I have a picture here for you if you like. :)

"Clea, taxi or your car?" I did speak to Clea but I didn't see her, because I held up 2 shirts

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"Clea, taxi or your car?" I did speak to Clea but I didn't see her, because I held up 2 shirts. A white shirt and a red one. I heard her suitcase close even though there was still a whole pile of underwear next to it. "A taxi of course there's no way I'm going to leave my car on the airport, and, the red one, the white one my grandma would wear."

You may be wondering how Clea gets her clothes while she's at my house. She usually sleeps here so I was kind enough to build her an IKEA closet. That was a REALLY big disaster. That was the last time I assembled anything from IKEA alone. Me as a weak woman would need either a handy father or a strong boyfriend. For me that will be my father, Hans, because no boyfriend for me.

"One or two suitcases? I have so much underwear to carry." "Girl, it's not like they don't sell underwear in Barcelona. One suitcase is good, you just need clothes for the plane and the first week. I probably won't have to train with the Spanish football team every day." "Ehm okay then, you go wake up Noor, instead of being so smart."

I close my suitcase and hang a crazy ribbon on it. My parents used to convince me that adding ribbons to your suitcase made the trip go well, later it turned out to be purely for recognition, but we continued the tradition. Clea has a yellow ribbon, Noortje a blue one and I red.

I saw NOTHING in Noortje's room. It was pitch dark as I had closed the curtains 5 hours ago. And yes readers, Clea and I had survived the night. "Auwh, God damn" There was a barbie face imprinted in my foot. Okay, feel, feel, Emma feel! Okay she is in a bed, bed is next to a cupboard and above the cupboard is the light switch. The Barbies are usually by the chair and the chair is on the opposite side of the room where the cabinet is and the light switch.

So that would mean straight ahead! Hands forward and walk, my mother would say. If we hit our toe on the cupboard, we're there.

"Emma? Is that you?" That was Noor's morning voice. "Noor can you please turn on your light? I have no idea where I am and I stepped on a Barbie head." It was a simple switch that brought my stress level back to normal. Nora seemed very tired but that is not surprising, because it is 5 AM. "Noortje we're going to the airport. Are you getting dressed? I've got brown sweatpants and a sweater ready for you."

I lift her out of bed and with 10 km/h I make little tails, wait that is a joke, not 10 km/h at least 15 km/h. "How about McDonalds for breakfast?" I give her the clothes while I wait for her answer. "Ehm nice I think" She takes off her pajamas, I throw it on her bed, I quickly pull the blanket over it so no one sees the heap. "Well, if we get to the airport quickly, we can go to McDonalds." These tricks used to work for me, but a little less for Nora.

"Where do you want to go?" It was a nice old man , he was our taxi driver. "Could you bring us to the airport?" His head turned back. "Yes ofcourse"

Author note: Gavi will come next chapter, so don't worry yall. He will come. Promised. For now: Thank you for all the thrust. Love you. Or in Dutch: 'Hou van jullie'

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