Chapter 10

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The dinner was super fun, it was all a bit too healthy if you ask me. Lots of vegetables and that nonsense, 'because that's good for the boys'. But if that's the worst thing that could happen to me, I'm fine with it.

It turned out that I could indeed talk quite easily to Frenkie, not because he is Dutch, but just because he is funny. Unfortunately he didn't go to the club after dinner but his other Dutch buddy did, our dear liar, Memphis. That would certainly be fun. Fuck him

We were split into 4 groups. There were 4 cars, where the football players got into randomly. In the meantime I had regretted the heels I had put on, because the tip of the shoe fit perfectly between the small stones that formed the walking path. It had become quite dark in the meantime so I only had the yellow light of the lampposts to navigate myself over the hiking trail. I walked alone because of course I went way too slow for the rest. Suddenly everything became heavy, my legs went up a little less easily. As if someone had taped 10 kilos to the bottom of my shoes.

I think there was a moment of realization that I have no family or friends here besides Clea and Nora. Basically I was alone, the football team was nice and all, but when it comes down to it, it's every man for himself.

I'm sure it would all pass but this was just his temporary feeling where you feel down. What am I doing here, god Emma you are fucking crazy, I hate myself sometimes.

Well let me walk to a car. There was not much choice left because there was only one car left. A green mini, I think Pedri's.

He was leaning against the side of the car, waiting for me I think. The headlights were off, but his face was still illuminated by his phone. "Hola chica, te ves realmente hermosa." He held out his fist for a fist box.

I had no idea what he was saying but it sounded nice. "Does this taxi also go to the club?" "Sí"

There was only one person in the car, it looked like Xavi but it seems a bit strange if he goes along. I will just stay outside to avoid a possible conversation with Xavi.

"Who are we waiting for, Pedri?" I heard the sound of the gravel of the walking path, someone was walking. "Hola, lo siento, llegué un poco tarde, no pude encontrar ningún pantalón nuevo." "For Pablo" Pedri answered my question while Pablo looked rather confused.

"Vámonos rapido, Pablo, asegúrate de que tú chica esté en el auto". Pedri got into the car and Gavi came closer and closer to me as well. What the hell, why does he come so close. "Emma we're going to drive, if you step aside I can open the car door." Ofcourse.

The club was super busy but no one seemed to recognize the football players, we were given a small corner in the club where we could sit. Champange and shots of tequilla came to the table.

Gavi saw in the car that the heels were incredibly unhandy so he switched shoes with me. Joke, he happened to know that there were still sneakers in the trunk, so I'm wearing them now. They are a bit too big but anything better than those rotten heels.

We all sat close together, but that was a good thing because the music was so loud that we wouldn't be able to hear each other at a distance of five feet.

"Let's play truth or dare." It was Gavi banging his fists on the table for attention. Here and there some tequila shots sloshed over the sides of the glass and creates puddles on the table. He is still a child sometimes, but the rest think it's a super good idea. They scream and stomp their feet to the beat of the music. There is also quite a bit of alcohol in their blood, so this enthusiasm does not just come from nothing.

"Emma truth or dare" "Guys guys, you don't even have to ask, I never skip dare" I hear some shouting and cheering coming from the boys. "Spicey Señora. Okay I dare you to tell us who the father of your child is." More cheers. "Emma, ​​we have to say, we've been discussing this question all day." It seems like I have 100 eyes all focused on me.

"It's my sister's daughter actually, when Nora was born she suddenly didn't want a child anymore and it was all too much, then I had to take care of her." I see some respect appearing. "Do you think I'm old enough to be a mother? I'm 18, guys." I laugh.

I see a grin appear at Gavi.

"Gavi truth or dare" "Let me choose Dare too." He kept tight eye contact with me, probably to tell me that he is also tough enough to choose dare. He licked the bottom of his lips with his tongue before running a hand through his hair. "We dare you to ask for the phone number of a beautiful girl who walks around the club here." "Bueno" He walked off into the crowd, looking for a hot girl who was only too happy to kiss a football player.

The group continued with the game, but I had lost interest. Dear reader, why did I think Gavi might be interested in me? The grin, the eye contact all day long, the offer to sleep with him and then also the 'do I have to compete with Alonso?' sentence. I thought maybe they were signals, you're not going to tell me it's all amicable, are you? Apparently yes. Maybe I should take my first shot here, in the club, the club in Barcelona.

With a big grin on his face, Gavi walks back, waving up a napkin from the bar, probably with the number. "Guys he fixed it!" They start yelling again. They have had to many shots of tequilla.

Of course he has her number, see what he looks like. Seriously. Okay readers, just a random thought, maybe.. I'm jealous? He's attractive.. let's be honest. But I'm probably overreacting, he was just being nice to me, nothing more.

"Are you okay, bonita?" It was Pedri, he seemed a little concerned.

Did I look so annoyed?

"Si, I'm going home." he gave me a worried smile. "ah ok, buenas noches" I stood up gave him a short hug. "I'm going home everyone." I waved briefly before giving a hand kiss to the group, but I didn't even look at Gavi.

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