Chapter 9

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I walk back to my room, hoping Nora was still asleep. Otherwise I had a problem, I had taken the gamble of leaving her alone for a few hours. So that I could have a nice lunch with Alonso. That nice lunch turned into a weird as fight.

I have to say, Alonso's words hit me hard, what if Gavi was really just playing with my feelings? Not that I have feelings for him, I just have friendly emotions when I'm with him. But still, that doesn't give him the right to play with it.

I walk mindlessly through the long hallway so that I can get to my room, at least I try to walk mindlessly, it's quite difficult, fun fact: when you don't want to think about something you immediately think about it.

We used to go on vacation with the family and there were two girls and they were SO annoying, and my dad taught me the 'purple elephant effect'. The name is probably made up completely, but it really worked. He put me on a chair one day and he said, "I don't want you to think about a purple elefant." And yes, I did think of a purple elefant. Apparently he called this 'the purple elephant effect', with the moral of the story being that if you give yourself 10 minutes to stress about the subject and then let it go, you will notice that the situation is not as bad as you think.

And later when you looked back at you will see that it was much less scary than you thought.

And credits to my dad because his nonsense story really helped me, I made myself very angry for 10 minutes, then accepted the problem and then I moved on with my own life. Try it reader, it really works. Every time you are stressing just think about my dad and his 'purple elephant effect'.

I saw long legs that blocked the entire hallway. It were women's legs, I think it was sleeping. "Cleara what are you doing here, why are you lying here, you found my room so why didn't you just go in? You know that you can sleep in my bed right?" she woke up from her daydream and took a few seconds to recognize who was talking to her. I saw a lot of blinking of her eyelids and heard some gibberish coming from her mouth.

"Oh I'm so glad you're here, after I said goodbye to Memphis I saw your message about the two dresses.

Do you remember reader? I send Cleara a text about a white and black dress for the diner tonight because I was not sure wich one would be best.

Cleara continued to speak: "So I wanted to help you. I went to your room, after checking the room number at the front desk. And then I was here, but I didn't have a goddamn key to your room. I've been sitting here for an hour."

I lift her up, she was so tired, she had no energy to get up herself and let alone walk. I could feel the tears coming and I just know it's not just because she's been sitting here on the carpet for an hour. Her hair wasn't as neat as it was when she left with Memphis and so was the lipstick.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I put her on the bed and I get a pair of pajamas from her suitcase.

Fortunately, the pajamas were on, with some help from me, and she had already drank a glass of water. I had a feeling she didn't really want to share anything about what happened. Maybe later.

"Emma, ​​he has a girlfriend." I kind of expected that, but it's still fucked up to hear that your best friend kissed a guy who has a girlfriend. The fling they had probably wasn't built on emotional attraction but rather physical. "Never get emotionally involved" that was her best life lesson so far today.

I must say I am very bad with such situations, I always get super uncomfortable, or I laugh. I don't know why but I just do.

"A coffee would be nice Emma" Fortunately, Clea knows I find these situations difficult, so she usually just states what she wants. "I'll get some coffee downstairs then"

When I came back with the coffee, and a biscuit that came with it, I opened the door and found Nora and Clea asleep on the bed. Getting coffee had taken a bit longer since I had run into Ter Stegen, but I guess I was gone long enough to have time to fall asleep

I put the coffee on the bedside table before reaching for and unlocking my phone. I had a message: "Wear the black dress, Gavi will like it ;)" If Clea also votes for the black dress, it will be the black one.

As I just told you, I am wearing my black dress. I quickly gave Clea another kiss on the forehead before going to dinner with the football team. Luckily it was downstairs in the restaurant. I rarely wore heels so I was a bit shaky at first. And yes, I did stagger through the hallways.

"Hey it's Emma right? I'm Pedri." Apparently his room was also somewhere in this hallway. "Hello, and yes it is indeed Emma." He looked very well-groomed, his big thick eyebrows distracted me for a second but I snapped out of it quickly, he was wearing a white blouse and black trousers underneath. He kindly struck up a conversation as he walked and I staggerd downstairs.

Some of them were already there, including Marcos. He didn't smile, he looked dead serious at me. The rest welcomed me kindly, I got hugs and lots of kisses on the cheek.

I was invited by Frenkie to sit next to him and Ansu. Just as Ansu gave me a welcome hug I saw Gavi looking straight at us. I guess he just got here. Gavi looked almost as scary as Marcos, but he snapped out of it and smiled at me. He sat next to Pedri and I gave Ansu a pat on the back, signaling that I would interfere the hug.

Okay reader, I have to be honest, Gavi kinda looked handsome. He wore light cargo pants with a black sweather. I love black on men. But I promise I have no romantic feelings for him.

Author note: Do you guys have any tips or someting? I would love to make this story even better. What do we think so far? Is it clear when Emma is talking to her friends and when she is talking to herself/ the reader? Or is it confusing sometimes? Let me know.

Lots of love E.

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