Chapter 15

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It is now 5 days later, which means that I have survived more than a week in Spain! Someone should congratulate me for that. As you know, I went to the doctor because I found a bump. Now I'm lying on my bed, you might be wondering if I've slept with Gavi (in his bed) since the kiss, I can tell you now because I haven't. 

Since the kiss, 6 days ago, I decided that I would sleep in my own room after all. This was a bit inconvenient for both Cleara and myself but we make it work.

I had convinced myself, after the kiss, that everything would go great between Gavi and I. That ideal image soon fell into pieces because he decided to ignore me the next morning. 

When I drove back from the doctor I decided it was time to talk to the footballer. I sent him a message:

Flashback to when she sent it:

"Can we talk in an hour?" I had send him.

 I was still doubting whether I should talk to Alonso first, but Gavi was my priority. "Clea where shall I meet him?" we just turned into the parking lot which pushed me against the side of the car, always nice. "As your bestfriend I now very respectfully tell you to look fucking hot, he needs to fall in love with you again."

We got out of the car, the moment I slammed the door I was welcomed by the warm Spanish wind, I forgot for a moment that there was no air conditioning outside. 

"Clea, how am I ever going to look pretty in this excruciating heat, I'm already sweating." 

Nora already jumped out of the car and ran to the apartment complex. 

"Ah mi amor, you always look beautiful." Barca's number 8 just arrived, luckily he also looked sweaty, his front hair was stuck to his forehead and the shirt to his stomach. "Oh hey Pedri, well thank you, have you met my gorgeous friend?" He approached us on our way to the main entrance of the building. "No, I didn't, hola bonita, It's a shame we haven't met before." He kisses Cleara's hand.

At least he knows how to seduce a woman.

Once we arrived at the main entrance, we saw a little girl waiting for us. Nora ran towards us and to my surprise she jumped into Pedri's hands. 

"Flirting with the ladies and with the young children as well?" This time it was Cleara who spoke up. 

"Si crees que eso es coquetear, entonces te llevarás una gran sorpresa, mi amor." He gave her a wink and put Noor back on the floor. My niece was too energetic to even stand still for 3 minutes. She jumped into the turnstile while we took a breather. 

An hour later I walked to the third floor of the building in a white summer dress.

Do you remember, dear reader? That there is one floor where all the football players' dirty clothes are washed. Yes, that is the third floor were we are meeting.

We had agreed to meet there in the hope that no one would disturb us, when I opened the door connected to the laundry room I saw the footballer already nervously walking around. Out of respect I knocked on the door so he knew I was there. "Hola?"

He turned around and I felt like he was a lot less nervous as I stood here, his shoulders relaxed and a small smile formed on his face. "Hola, Emma, ​​you look beautiful." He held out his right hand and as soon as I put my hand in his he pulled me towards him.

"I think I know why you wanted to meet, I'm so sorry, amor."

"Amor?" His left hand, which had previously been hidden in his pockets, came out and brushed away a strand of hair before my eyes. 

"Pablo, why did you ignore me after the kiss, why, what did I do wrong?" His gaze dropped, and for a moment I felt guilty.

"I thought you liked me, Pablo" we shared a moment of silence. 

There we were, in the laundry room, where all the filthy underpants were washed, there we were, hand in hand, both staring at the floor, not knowing what to say. Our breathing was commensurate and our hands fit together perfectly, it was a beautiful moment but the situation we were in was less funny. 

I wanted to grab him and make sure he never left, with my hands in his hair and his around my waist, but something held me back. It was the respect for myself that told me not to say anything, he had to make the next move.

"Sorry, sorry I ran away after the kiss, I was afraid. Afraid of rejection, afraid of the paparazzi who would stalk you until you dropped dead, afraid of the world around us. Scared of commitment."

My eyes dropped, I looked at my white sneakers. "Emma, ​​please look at me." His thumb slid across the skin of my cheek and lifted my chin so that we met each other's eyes. He has carob brown eyes that stared right into mine, they're a little blurry but still seem clear. 

"It's okay, but why are you scared? I'm here."

His chocolatey eyes are still looking at me, staring into my green eyes. I don't know how long we've been here, I don't really care. His hand, that had meanwhile been supporting my cheek, had slid into my neck. 

"I don't know amor, I'm just a football player, football players are not supposed to be smart." He grins slightly, proud of his own joke. He continues to talk: "I didn't want to ruin an upcoming friendship, so I distanced myself, but I've been disappointed with my choice all day. I can't pretend we are just friends Emma."

My heart starts beating faster, his words make me feel insecure, his thumb stroking my neck makes me nervous, but it does makes me feel good.

"Tell me what you want, amor, I just want you, but don't you dare tell me that we are just friends, because we are not, cleary not."

"Kiss me" I answered him. He grins as he gets closer and closer. "That I can do."

Our lips touch and for a moment it seems as if they recognize each other, it was familiar. His warm lips and my cold ones. We moved at the same time, holding each other as if one of us was about to walk away. My heart was pounding in my throat and he seemed to notice my enthusiasm yet tension. His mouth slid to my jaw and then to my neck, placing small kisses here and there until he reached my right ear. "Esta bien, amor"

"Gavi, what now?" His mouth left my neck and our eyes made eye contact again. We both grinned, proud of our action, and happy that the difficult part was over.

"Let's just see how it goes, no labels or other names, we're not a couple but we're not friends either, we're just us, then everything will fall into place." After saying that he places another kiss on my neck and leaves the room.

"Hola Marcos" I drank the smoothie in front of me while looking out on a busy road in Barcelona. The smoothie tasted like squashed Brussels sprouts and was really nasty. 

"Hola belleza, I knew you would come back to me when you realized that Gavi isn't as nice after all." In those 5 seconds I already regretted the fact that I wanted to make amends with him. I had convinced myself it was a one-off fight, and he just wanted to be careful with me. 

"What is your problem?" I wanted this to be over as soon as possible. 

He continued: "Don't you get it Emma? Gavi is a player, he likes fame, money, bitches. I'm goddamn protecting you and you're not even listening. You still let him put his tongue in your mouth."

1,2,3. Don't get mad Emma. Breath in, breath out. Yeah no I am going to slap that bitch

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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