Chapter 11

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I wasn't angry, after all I didn't have anything romantic with Gavi so he can ask as many numbers from girls as he wants. I was just super jealous actually. But maybe I had too much pride to admit it. But seriously, how could I ever resist that man. 

He shouldn't have grabbed me like that in his bedroom. I shouldn't have inhaled his breath. The look he gave, like he knew my deepest secrets, and like he was looking right through my black dress. And then at dinner, when he came in, I recognized that fire in his eyes, the fire that he had in the bedroom. 

He looked at me as if he doesn't have to pull the clothes off my body because he looks right through them. 

I don't need a boyfriend I'm probably just looking for the thrill of a fling. He is probably too.

Well, I learned another life lesson. Fling or no fling, no feelings involved. If you open up to someone, you can only get hurt.

After the club I took a taxi to the apartment complex and I planned to get all my stuff from Gavi's room. But my plan immediately fell into pieces when I walked into my own bedroom. Clea and Nora were sprawled on the bed, the pillows on the floor, Clea on the left. Nora looked like she'd been drinking alcohol all night, her legs were spread and partly over my friend's belly. She looked peacefully. Yeah, I am not going to sleep here, there is not even room for me.

You could probably already add one plus one and you realized that I had to sleep with Gavi after all. Unfortunately, I wasn't a teenage girl who would spend thousands of dollars just for a picture with him, let alone sleep in one bed. I even had a bit of a heavy feeling, no reluctance but mostly disbelief. 

Fortunately, Gavi had left the door ajar because he apparently believes that nothing can be stolen here, he has a point. The clock on my phone indicated that it was already over 1 o'clock on a Friday. What would be the chance that he would come back drunk? 

Speaking of the devil, the door slammed into the wall and then slammed back to its original composition. "Fucking hell." I heard some banging and finally the sound of the toilet flushing. Maybe I shouldn't have been in bed here. I don't know what he's doing, but it's very chaotic. He got a call, he got a call at 1:30 AM.

"Hola, no, estoy en casa, no después de que se fue la busqué en el club pero no encontré nada, ¿por qué se fue de repente? ¿Todavía te habló? Fucking hell, Pedri". It was quiet, both with Gavi and Pedri, who I'm guessing called him.

"Sí, me voy a dormir, mañana la busco". 

It was dark in the room so I didn't see much but I saw the glowing screen of his phone go out and he came towards me. "Que?" I was lying on my side, and I don't have eyes in my back, so I didn't see what he was doing. But I felt a big hand right above my pelvis. He squeezed my skin.

Omg, this guy, he knows what to do to create that exact addictive feeling, it drives me crazy.

 His hand slid down the sides of my legs, stopping about half way before disconnecting from my skin. I have been wearing my pajamas, but all my tossing and turning in the bed had pushed them up a bit. I felt the heat from his palms again but this time in my hair. 

I turn around, maybe it's important if he knows I'm still awake.

"Emma?" He had laid down in his bed but his hand was stuck in my hair. "Estaba tan preocupada cuando te fuiste, ¿dónde diablos estabas? Barcelona es una ciudad peligrosa". This helped me a lot, not. "Gavi, English please." "Ah sorry, I asked you why you were here?" (Ps: he did not ask her that in Spanish;))

I answered him. "Cleara and Nora literally took over the whole room, so I had very little choice." "Les estoy muy agradecido".

I thought I saw a smile on his face, but like I said it was hard to see. "If you don't want it, I'll wake up Cleara, so you can sleep alone." He hadn't moved his hand, which was still in my hair, it felt like it was part of my skin. 

"Why would I want that, Ems?" Suddenly all the emotions of the evening came to the surface. 

Wtf Emma, I really just said above that I won't let him play with my feelings anymore, and now I'm lying here, in his bed with his hand in my hair.

 "Idk Gavi, I don't know what you want anymore, I have no idea what's going on in your head. Does your new girlfriend think this is all okay? Maybe you should take your hand out of my hair, she'll get jealous." 

I felt some rumbling, he had moved up so that his back was against the railing. He clicked on the light. "What are you all saying, Ems, what girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend."

He's not wearing a shirt, he's not wearing a fucking shirt, he looks so good without it. 

"I mean that bitch you asked for her number at the club, remember." He laughs, he laughs out loud. Put a dissonant song under it and you have your horror movie. "Voy al baño, I am going to the bathroom."

After 2 minutes he came back, it had been about 15 minutes since he put his hand on the skin of my thigh and I still felt the heat of his hand.

"Do you want to know something?"Gavi said.  "I didn't ask for a girls phone number actually, I drank a coke at the bar and took the napkin that came with it. So there is no 'bitch' and certainly no girlfriend."

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