Chapter 2

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Before we, me and Cleara, start talking, we, you and I, need to chat first. For you I am now a German ex-student who graduated in Hamburg. But I am more than that one sentence. I'm not a typical German girl who lifts 8 glasses of beer in one hand at Oktoberfest. Anything but. I don't have any muscles, neither do I have blond hair. My hair is dark brown almost black. My eyes seem black, but if even a little sunlight falls on them, they are clearly green. Mhhh what more can I say? Oh yes I'm 18, and therefore ready for the next step in my life.

"Well we need to talk" As you know I called my friend, her name is Cleara. I call her Clea though. She has a nice calming voice, that I need in such times. Luckily she answered. No Facetime this time like with Mr. Síos.

"Hi?" Her voice has a slight tremor, probably nervous for me too. Or she is watching an scary movie. Maybe the second. "Can I interrupt? I have some bad news, I need to vent" "I am styling my hair, should I unplug? God I really thought you were going to get the job Emma" In the background I hear the subtle tap of the space bar, she was indeed watching a movie. I also hear the plug go out. "Okay tell me"

I take one last breath and then the words flow past my lips like a flowing waterfall. "Okay I went into the meeting and I was al alone for like 1 minute. Well then those men came. Bla Bla, they asked some things about home and Germany, but of course also about the job itself."

Breathe pause. It was an obligatory breather, otherwise I would have run out of air, I told everything so quickly.

"And I thought everything went well. But apparently they thought otherwise. I didn't get the job." I heard Clea's disappointment. "Should I come over?" Cupcakes or chocolate?" She was so sweet. Obviously I would have chosen cupcakes but that will come later. "No I'm kidding, Clea, I GOT THE FUCKING JOB!"

"You nasty bitch" she had to laugh. Thank goodness she laughed. "Okay, okay, I deserved this one" "I am still coming over, bitch"

The door opened. As expected, my gorgeous, blonde, blue-eyed Clea was at the door. She had a key, she thought it was because she's my bestie, it's more self-interest for me, for when she thinks my apartment needs cleaning, she can come right in, and I don't have to do it myself.

Oh yes, I HATE cleaning.

"I brought cupcakes, chocolate and cookies since you didn't answer my question." She looks at me with a forced annoyed look. She's not angry. She is never angry with me. "Throw it on the counter. I was just opening the bottle of wine." I take her hand into my dark blue kitchen. People often don't like my kitchen, but I'm completely in love with the color. Clea takes two glasses from the cupboard while I look for the corkscrew.

Okay, funny story. Dear reader, you will never believe what happened the first time Clea had to open a wine bottle. We planned to go to the club, like every 18 year old, and of course the booze is so expensive there that we would imbibe at home. Of course there was no beer at home, so we went to wine, so I give her the corkscrew. Turns out she had never used it before. So she puts that thing on that bottle. She turns the wrong way causing the entire bottle to burst from the amount of pressure she blew into it. And yes, her dress suddenly went from white to red, and so did her face. It was so unbelievably funny. That night I actually peed my pants laughing for the first time. Now you know how bad it is. We also didn't went to the club because we couldn't get the red wine tan off Clea's face. Because yes wine causes stains!

I grabbed the pile of blankets that were next to the couch and I threw them on the couch. Clea was already looking up our spotify playlist on the TV and I grabbed the wine glasses from the kitchen. Fortunately, our taste in music is about the same otherwise we would have had a real problem. After I put the glasses on the coasters, the gossiping could begin.

"So Barcelona, ​​Emma, ​​that's fantastic! But then you will leave me behind in this smoked sausage country. As your best friend, I now tell you that you can't leave me behind!" She had to laugh. I also knew there was some truth to it since we've talked about this before. "Clea, we agreed that I would put you in my suitcase. But.. I don't want to leave you here either, can't you really come with me? Nora has to come too, and you should too. Otherwise Nora has no one in Spain at all. " The wine tasted bitter, as if it left small bite marks on my palate as a kind of warning. The wineglasses were beautiful, they weren't my glasses, that's probably why they were so beautiful. "Emma... maybe I can really come along, I don't have anyone here in Germany besides you and Noor, shall I just come along? Together to Spain. Clea's solution would save me so many tears. "What about your job here?" Her enthusiastic look changed to a puzzled look as if she were a bad Sherlock Holmes. Oh yes forget Clea writes books. "Never mind" I was a little embarrassed to admit that I forgot she wrote books.

The front door opened again. That the front door often opens is no surprise here at my house. The surprise lies with the question: "Who oh who will walk in now?" Today the answer to that question was my dear neighbor of 65, Petra, and Nora.

By the way, do you already know who Nora is? Nora is my sister's child, she is now at school in the Kindertagesstätt, it's German for kindergarden. So she is also 5 years old. I dislike my sister, her name is Sophia, I think she is now 26 and I have no idea where she is. My guess is Copenhagen. Her ex-boyfriend impregnated her after he said he 'prefers to have sex without protection' . So Sophia agreed, when she turned out to be pregnant, the now 'ex-boyfriend' had a 'Wait I can use my brain moment.' And then he decided that he wasn't ready to have a child. He then fled to the Netherlands or Poland. And yes, Sophia left Nora with me, to start a new life herself aswell. Pretty heh. Well I was fucking mad, but now I do love Nora she's, with Clea ofc, my everything in this world.

Her little heels make very cute little taps on my wooden floor. The Kindertagesstätt requires her to wear a uniform. If you ask me it's all nonsense but hey, school makes the rules. "Emmaa, how did it go? She jumps on Clea's lap and starts to straighten her blond hair. It is weird that she has blond hair but Sophia had blond/brown hair at her age too. Petra, the lovely neighbor, makes herself a cup of tea. "Anyone else want some tea?" "Yes, Yes, me me" "Petra I think Noor would also like a cup of tea." I giggle softly, Noor is really sweet. I really see Petra as a second mother. Sometimes she comes here to do my laundry and sometimes I will make homemade pizza at here house. Homemade pizza, yes, dear reader, you certainly didn't know that I could make homemade pizza. Petra has gray curly hair that fluffs in all directions, she does have a small wart above her lip, I have indeed told her that I can remove it for her but she won't let me.

"Emmaa?" I see a small hand flash before my eyes. The nail polish I had put on it yesterday was already partly scratched off, but I can't blame her since I used to always scratch off my nail polish too. "Okay my dear Noor, what do you hope the result will be? Because it would be great if we could go to Barcelona, ​​but then your friends all have to stay here in Germany." I like to let Nora think about small issues, as I see it, it provides extra creativity and the 'thinking for yourself' process. Meanwhile, Nora and Petra's tea was also on the coffee table.

Petra, who has sat down on the rug, which is under the coffee table, has meanwhile also joined the conversation. "Ems I really hope you're hired" she smiles kindly before taking a big sip of her hot blueberry tea.

"I hope you have the job and we can go to Barcelona together and I can make new friends there." It came out a little questionable. I know that Noor prefers not to leave her friends behind, but I think she also really wants to go to Spain. I lift her up and put her on my knees. "Well dear, then I have super duper news for you. Because we are indeed going to Spain! I've got the job!" Her small baby teeth are visible because she smiles so hard. She jumps and she dances and it's so cute, trust me. I try to scream over her cheers and tell her that Clea is coming too, but, you know, I'll let her be happy first. I take a cute picture of the moment and post it on my insta.


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