Chapter 8

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Author note: Merry christmas loves! And let's hope for the best in 2023. I just want you to know that you can do anything you want, if you have the right mindset. I was scared that some people would not like my stories, so in the past I wrote stories but deleted most of them because I was insecure. Now so many of you have read my story and you are all so so so kind. So if you are ever scared just try it, maybe it will work, maybe not. You shall see. And thank you for all the love. Merry christmas and happy new year. Let's dive in the story now!
Lots of love, E.

"What did he want from you?" I really didn't feel like having this conversation. "Marcos why do you want to know?" It was clear that he and Gavi weren't the best of friends, and I might have become even better friends with Gavi in ​​the half day we've known each other than Alonso, who's known him for a year.

"Just because I'm interested in your life." What a great lie.

Okay, this 'fun' lunch went really well, not. Marcos wasn't the nicest, suddenly. Good to know that he and Gavi wouldn't be the best duo in an escape room. "Let's go eat Tai." This was my last attempt at another topic of conversation. Fun fact: I am a great escape room escaper

 Fun fact: I am a great escape room escaper

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"Gavi isn't sincere. You have to watch him, Emma. I've seen how many girls he devours in a month. Be carefull please I care about you, he does not. "

And the topic of conversation was again Gavi. I'm getting so tired of this, reader. It's like Alonso can't talk about anything else anymore. It's always Gavi, Gavi and yes again Gavi. And it's not even like I'm in a relationship with Alonso, if we were then this behavior would be understandable, but its not. This really irritates me.

We indeed went to a Thai restaurant an hour ago, we orderd food and we had a good time. So we sat down at a cute table for two outlooking the street, we got the food and I was eating the little white ramen stuff and all of the suden he started again with the Gavi nonsense. And now we are here, in this shitty ass situation. How did the tables turn so fast?

"Alonso please." "No nothing, my name is not even Alonso, you know that. You can call your lover Pablo by his last name as much as you want, but you should address me as Marcos! I'm just trying to protect you, Emma. You don't even know him, he is one big flirt!"

I drank the last bit of liquid from my bowl and put the chopsticks that came with the dish next to it. The dish was tasty but this terrible atmosphere made the whole dish taste bitter. "Alonso, oh no sorry, Marcos, I think our lunch is over. And as if I've known you for such a long time! Such childish behavior, you should be ashamed!"

I clean my mouth before throwing my napkin next to the plate and grabbing my bag under the seat. I'll make that sucker pay, I am leaving.

Furious, I walk out of the restaurant and into the street. I can still hear the swinging doors of the restaurant close behind me, but what I don't hear is Alonso. He doesn't run after me like they do in the movies. Unfortunately, he is not filmed in slow motion while he runs. I wouldn't do that running if I were him, then the juice, which came with the Thai dish, would come up immediately. And I think the dish will be on the street instead of in his belly.

Well, at least now you and I are alone, dear reader. Let's gossip. Do you know what I'm in the mood for? Coffee. Yes I know, coffee is not that good for you. But who cares, I just had an argument with someone who gets angry when you call him by his last name. I deserve that coffee.

Euhm yes, I am all alone in Barçalona, ​​where would they have hidden the Starbucks?

Euhm yes, I am all alone in Barçalona, ​​where would they have hidden the Starbucks?

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Holy shit. 51 minutes walking and 14 minutes by car? That way to far for me, I am in fricking heels. I'll walk, no I will take a taxi, back to the apartment complex and order coffee there.

Okay the gossip, I kinda hate how Alonso looks, like in the ZOOM with Mr. Síos he was really nice, and I guess he had a filter on or some because he looked kinda nice. But in real life it kinda disappointed me, so I just hoped that his personality would be cool but that also kinda sucked. Well good thing that I met Gavi I guess. So tell me what is new in your live, reader?

Unfortunately I didn't have my earphones with me so it was a boring walk home. At least I could see a bit of Barcelona.

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