Chapter 12

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"I do not believe you." My breath echoed through the room. 

As you know I got quite jealous because Gavi asked a girl's number at the club. And so as it turned out, the number was fake.

"Emma, ​​shut up! There are other people sleeping here too, you're not alone in this fricking world!" 

Ouch, like a little tazor was stabbed in my ribs. A small shock went through my body that was supposed to evoke sadness or pain, but it only made me more irritated.

"If you don't want to talk here Pablo, we'll talk outside." I started to put on my slippers and my jacket angrily. I pulled him outside, looking for a bench. Ofcourse I could not find one, so we decided to sit on a football field instead. 

"Okay so, why don't you believe me, Emma. Do you really think I would lie to you?" 

After I pulled him to the ground and complained about the rather cold summer night in Barcelona, ​​he continued the argument. 

"Gavi, look at yourself, every teenage girl has a crush on you, and it's not like that would change in the club, why should I believe that you wouldn't ask a supermodel's phone number, you're young, you've got the world at your feet." My toes curled in irritation and little indentations formed in the slipper.

"Turn on your flashlight, I need to read something."

Wtf Gavi, now doesn't seem like the right time to 'read something'.

Still, my curiosity got the better of me and I turned on the flashlight. The darkness was illuminated by the light of an Iphone 8, I saw his face again for the first time since I had yelled at him in the bedroom, he was wearing his FCB jacket and the sports shorts. He tried to take something out of his jacket pocket, interesting.

"Look Ems, this is the napkin I got from the bar." He slid it under the flashlight so I could see the watermark of the club. "And here's the other side, with the phone number you saw. Call it."

"Gavi, I'm not going to call a random girl you might have sex with someday, fuck you, no way." I shone the flashlight on one half of his face so that I could still see his expression, but he was not blinded. I saw an emotion that I couldn't quite place, there was anger and sadness, but also passion and pugnacity. I recognized the passion, it was the same passion he had before diner with the football team.

"If you're going to play it like that, Then I dare you to call the number, since you were so "tough" in the club and said you'd never skip a dare." 

When he says 'tough' he makes the little finger nods you make when you mean something sarcastic.


I typed the number into my phone. "Diese Telefonnummer existiert nicht. Bitte geben Sie etwas anderes ein.(Translation: "This phone number does not exist, please enter something else.) 

Oops my phone was still on the German setting. "Sorry, I haven't changed the language setting yet." I paused between my two sentences. There came a realization moment that I might had fucked everything up.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have judged you like that, it's just that I thought we were building a really good friendship and idk what I thought. Just sorry." 15 minutes ago my breathing was fast and worked up, now 15 minutes later it's suddenly slow and controlled. I wasn't sad, just disappointed in myself.


"Yes? Gavi we've known each other, what, how many hours? 72?"

He came closer, the bridge of his nose touching the tip of mine, because he looked straight into my eyes, and I into his. We didn't say anything, we didn't have to say anything. We both still felt irritation from the previous argument and both knew we had to express it in a way. He placed his hand on my thigh. He squeezed, he squeezed with anger, but not too hard that he genuinely wanted to hurt me. I smiled. He knew it was driving me crazy deep down. And he was absolutely right.

"72 hours is enough for me."

Author note: Sorry for taking 4 days, now a day, to publish a chapter, school is killing me right now. So like I am so tired when the clock hits 9:30 PM. Thank you for the patience.

much love, E. xoxo

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