Chapter 5

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~Toph's Perspective~

I loved the Jasmine Dragon. Not just for the tea (which was totally awesome though) but also just because of the overall, I don't know, feel of the place. It was familiar and comforting and a great place to go for advice. Iroh was always willing to give some out --- and unlike the tea, it was free.

And advice was exactly what I needed right now. Not because I was having like an existential crisis or any of that dumb stuff people made big deals out of. No. I wanted advice on how to find someone.

As it turned out, I didn't need it.

When I walked into the Jasmine Dragon, the first thing I noticed was the feet. Normally, the person behind the counter, taking people's orders was Iroh and, by now, I knew what his feet felt like. But these feet weren't his. Although they did seem awfully familiar for some reason...

Well, there was only one way to find out. I walked up to the counter and ordered, "One boba, please" and got a response in a few seconds.

"Wait a minute," I heard a voice. "You're that girl from yesterday!"

I guess that explained why the feet felt familiar. It was the Zuko kid from yesterday. The one who had asked me if I was an earthbender.

"Look," I said. "I need to know how you knew that I was an ea--"

"Shh!" he said, before whispering. "Look, I'll tell you what you want to know, okay. Just not now. Give me, like, ten minutes and I'll answer all your questions. Deal?"

"Deal," I said, holding out my hand. A few seconds later, a rough hand much larger than mine tentatively took it and shook it.

I took a seat on a stool at the counter, leaning on it, literally about to fall asleep because of boredom. I sighed. Just how long was ten minutes going to take? Because, from the sound of things and the amount of orders people were taking, it seemed like Zuko was going to be busy for a while.

I wasn't bored for long though. Not long after, two pairs of feet walked through the door. Two pairs of feet that I knew like the back of my hand (which I didn't actually know that well, so I guess that was a bad comparison).

Katara and Aang.

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