Chapter 10

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~Zuko's Perspective~

"So you guys want to know how I'm connected to Sozin?" I asked, looking around at their faces.

"You bet we do!" exclaimed Katara's brother, what was his name, um... Sokka. Yeah, that was it.

I nodded. "Okay. Well... the thing is... he's, um... he's kind of my great-grandfather."

"Wait!" Aang exclaimed. "But- but that means your dad is- is..."

"Fire Lord Ozai?" I asked. Aang nodded tentatively. I sighed. "Yeah. That would be him."

"Oh, well, I mean, he can't be like that evil," Aang said. "I'm sure he has some good traits like, um, like--"

I held up a hand for him to stop. "No. He's a jerk. I know. Who do you think did this to me?" I asked, gesturing towards my scar.

"Oh!" Aang said, covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know."

I shrugged. "It's fine. There's no way you could have known. It's not like it's your fault. Besides, even if you're the Avatar, it's not like there's anything you could have done."

"Wait," Sokka said, narrowing his eyes. "How do you know he's the Avatar?"

"Well, the Avatar is the last living airbender... and you're the last living airbender... so... y'know, you're the Avatar."

"Okay, but how did you know I was an airbender? I just told you I was a bender. I never said what element."

"Same way that I could tell that Toph was an earthbender. Just the way you hold yourselves, the way you act and the fact that the headband that you're wearing is probably supposed to cover your tattoos."

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud boom echoed from downstairs. I grabbed my satchel and ran out the door and down the stairs to try and find the source of the noise. When I finally arrived at the cafe, the sight that greeted me was a terrifying one. The local police were here and were... arresting my uncle?

He caught sight of me and shook his head. "Go back upstairs, Zuko. Everything will be fine."

"No!" I told him. "I want to know what's going on!"

"What's going on, young man," the officer nearest to me said, "is that your uncle here is under arrest."

"But why?" I asked, raising my voice. "He hasn't done anything!"

"Why?" the officer asked. "Because he's a bender. And not just any bender. The worst kind: a firebender."

I stared at the officer in shock. How could he have known? Uncle Iroh never used his firebending unless he absolutely had to.

"What are you talking about?" I shouted at him. "You're crazy! My uncle's not a firebender! He's not any kind of bender!"

"Well, I suppose there is a way to be sure," a familiar voice said. I felt my eyes widen as a girl two years younger than me stepped out from the crowd and smiled at me coldly.

No. It couldn't be.

My surprise must have showed on my face because the girl said, "What's the matter, Zuzu? Surprised to see me here?"

"You know her?" Aang asked from behind me.

"Know me?" The girl laughed. "I'm his sister."

Sokka whistled. "Your family is seriously messed up."

I sighed. "Believe me, I know."

Azula smiled. "Then I suppose you won't be surprised when I do this!" she said.

Right before she shot me.

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