Chapter 10

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Hey guys. So I've crashed and burned, but it's okay. I'm trying at least.


     I stared down the clock as I was half listening to the lecture. Something about ancient Greece and the history of marble sculptures. Unfortunately it was too late for me to drop this class if I wanted to keep my GPA and my scholarship. Sadly I didn't really read the class schedule forms as I was filling out my paperwork. I thought that I had signed up for a minor in art, but it happened to be the History of art throughout time. 

 As I started at the clock something hit me. I rubbed the back of my head as I looked around and my eyes landed on a domino on the floor. I picked it up and turned it over as I examined the rubber band wrapped around it. 

 I looked up once more as I stared at the door where I saw some jerseys run away. I scowled and then started to read the note.

'Haze Week' 

Was all that was written. I groaned and realized that I was about to go through hell that all the other pledges for sororities or frats had to go through. This wasn't "Haze Week," as people will lead you to believe, but instead it is "Hell week."

 I started to drift off into my imagination again and decided that I couldn't afford to lose my scholarship if I didn't study. So, I pulled out my phone and turned the video button on. I recorded my lecture while I started dreaming.

Years from now, Trey will be a all star football legend, I will be his adoring husband living the life of luxury, and we'll have two spoiled pomeranians at our sides. Living in a giant mansion, and shopping until I drop. 

 I can just imagine having my own butler, giving me opinions on the outfits from exclusive designer brands, buying out Michael Kors watches and bags just so nobody else can have them, and coming home to a giant bubble bath with my significant other. Best of all, I wouldn't have to lift a finger... or do anybody in order to get the money. Except Trey, but I love doing it with him, so I don't mind so much. 

When I was brought out of my fantasy I looked around and saw that the lecture had ended early, but not early enough considering it was a two hour lesson. I grabbed my books and walked out of the class forgetting my little note and what would come with it.

 Unfortunately, the consequence was a run-by flour bombing. The entire front side of my body was covered in white flour. When I opened my eyes I saw green and white jersey's running away from me. I slightly shook off the powder and it immediately covered the area I was standing in. 

I endured the slight humiliation and walked down the hall a few feet when I was hit with eggs and whipped cream. I looked up just in time to see the cream being launched at my face.  I tried to put my arms up but they were grabbed and taped to my sides. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Well, you are such a cute little boy so we figured, you are almost sweet enough to eat!" Lance, a senior player said as he squirted some more whipped cream on top of my head. I tried to yell out some profanity but it was muted by a cupcake being shoved into my mouth. They hadn't even removed the wrapper. They laughed and shoved me lightly to each other and then they grabbed a strawberry and put it on top of the whipped cream. 

"You look so delicious!" Lance laughed.

They all ran away laughing and left me. I looked around to try to get somebody to untape me but they just laughed and walked on like it was an everyday occurrence. I groaned and tried to move my arms but that proved unsuccessful so I slightly bent down to retrieve my books that had fallen to the floor. It took me a few minutes but I was able to grab them and hold them with one hand, albeit it took all the strength in my hand, but I eventually made it to my dorm with a soggy cupcake in my mouth. I had tried to eat it but the wrapper wasn't budging. 

I found Daniel sitting in the commons area watching television with some other guys in the dorm. I stood next to the arm rest of the sofa trying to get his attention. I tried to talk but it only came muffled out. He completely ignored me so I tried again but louder. He still ignored me so I kicked the sofa and lost my balance. I yelped a little as I fell with no way to catch myself. Only after I had hit the ground with a bang did he look down at me. His face showed irritation but then turned to confusion and then amusement.

"Hey sweetness, hows life?" He grinned.

I scowled at him and kicked the couch again while nodding with my head trying to indicate the cupcake.

"Awe, you look like a cute little squirrel with that cupcake in your mouth! It makes me wonder what else you can fit in there." He laughed and then shook his head.

I rolled my eyes and this time kicked his ankle, but it sadly wasn't hard since I didn't have a good angle. He was still laughing slightly as he pulled the cake out of my mouth.

"Shut up and un-tape me!" I yelled.

"Alright, alright, sheesh. I'd think that you'd at least say "please," when asking for help." He complained.

"Quit bitchin' and do it already."

"Y'know, this is a really good show and its my favorite part. I think I may just watch it to the end. Oh! Wait! I just remembered, its a marathon. Well, we might be here a while. You want some popcorn?" Daniel mocked.

"Okay! Fine! Will you "PLEASE" help me?"

"What reward will you give me if I do un-tape you?"

 I scowled at him while he held that smug look on his face. He wasn't budging and I wasn't about to negotiate with an asshole.

"Just do it already!"

"Oh look! He got hit by a car! This is getting good."

"Alright! I'll do your laundry."

"That sounds fantastic. But, I do get tired after practice and I can never really clean anything. My laundry, my bed, my shoes, my-"

"Alright! I'll clean the room. But only for a week!"

"Nope. A month."

"You're insane."

"You're helpless."

"Two weeks."

"Six weeks."

"You said a month!"

"Hey, supply and demand."

"Three weeks."

"Eight weeks."

Fine! A month."

"Six weeks."


"Alright, alright, a month."

 Daniel untied me and I rubbed my arms. I went into the dorm and undressed and grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I closed and locked both doors since we had an adjoining bathroom shared between suite mates. I took a hot long shower and then decided to just sleep off the hazing. In a way I felt proud, I mean, I had survived and they had moved on. I felt like I had officially became part of the team.

Only I didn't realize what tomorrow would bring.


So its been forever since this book has been updating. I can only blame writers block and people asking and asking and asking and begging to update other stories. Not trying to be rude but,

telling me to update asap won't bring the creativity. it takes time, its a process. and sometimes I get so frustrated that I just give up.

this is suppose to be fun and not a job. I can't update everyday because to me its just so hard to focus. so, i will update just please be patient.

Life of A College Boy(boyxboy) *Book 3*(ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now