Chapter 19

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Hello all, if you haven't heard, i've been taking classes at my local university and with my program I had to take some General Education Requirements(Writing, Math, Etc,) alongside my major. Right now I am getting ready for my finals but I will hopefully have a couple chapters up during thanksgiving week.

Think of this as my opportunity to add some substance into this book.

If you have any questions I will respond to messages on my instagram or my in which I post funny videos. Link and stuff are in my bio. 


"What if this doesn't work? I mean, I don't even know who to blame." Kyle looked down with a frown on his face.

"Its okay. We know that it happened at the frat. Someone has to take responsibility. Who better than Captain Douchebag and his band of merry jockstraps." 

"What are you gonna say? We don't have any names or proof."

"They'll get a strike, thats for sure."

 I clicked send with a smile. Kyle let out a sigh and hugged himself. Sending an anonymous letter wouldn't do much, but at least it was something. Hopefully.

"Relax. At least they will be on a watch list or something. Complaints don't just come out of thin air."

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, now that, that's done. What do you wanna do? We can go check out that new Avengers movie." I said as I closed my laptop.

"No, I'm good. They're all pretty much the same anyway. One hero faces a moral dilemma, and then they have to buck up for the alien fight, which then leads to a new villain reveal for the next movie."

"True. Wanna go to the park? Fresh air, probably a shower, and fresh clothes that don't have mustard stains all over it."

"The news said it was gonna rain today."

"Of course...Wanna, go to starbucks and sit down and judge people? Specifically hipsters?"

"I don't think we're really ones to judge people."

"Yeah probably not, but it makes me feel a whole lot better. So, Kyle." I turned to stare at him,

"If you had one day to live, what would you do?" I asked. Kyle thought about it for a while before looking up at me.

"Drive as far as I could before I died."

 That sure was a buzz kill, but hey, I could make that happen. Well, I knew someone who could help make that happen. I jumped up and grabbed my phone. I called Trey while I threw a bag at Kyle.

"I can make that happen. Grab whatever you need for an overnight road trip! We leave in one hour while I get everything to-Trey, if you leave me on voicemail one more time I swear imma put a jalapeño up your nose while you sleep!" I yelled into the phone. 

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go and get packed." I said to Kyle who was still sitting there stunned. I blew him a kiss and for the first time in a long time, I saw a smile on his face. It was small, but it sure was amazing.

I left smiling, practically running down the halls to get packed. Not even the Philip's brothers could dampen my mood. I even gave them a special smile and laughed when their faces turned into a mixture of hatred with disgust. I did feel bad that Joe and I couldn't be friends, but hey, you win some, you lose some.

"Trey, why haven't you been answering my calls?" I asked as I entered my room.

"I dropped my phone in the fountain. I had it on top of my books and the water sho-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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