Chapter 8

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So guys I am totally pulling this out of my butt. Idk what I am going to do. hopefully this will be a good chapter. honestly I am starting to not want to write anymore. idk. it feels like a chore.


"Sitting here broken hearted, Tried to poop but only farted." I stopped and pursed my lips for a second. "Why did I just say that? I am such a dork" I said smacking my head.

I yawned and stretched my arms above and as I start to lay back, I folded them under me. I stared up at the blue sky and watched while a butterfly briefly crossed my sight path.

"What have I done? What have I done? How could I be so blind? All is lost, where was I? Spoiled all, spoiled all. Everything's gone all wrong.

What have I done. What have I done. Find a deep cave to hide in. In a million years they'll find me. Only dust and a plaque that reads, "Here lies poor old jack."

I sang out loud along with my mood. Dj wasn't here yet and I was getting pretty hungry and sleepy after waking up at 10 and sitting out here for three hours. Every time I called D, he said he was five minutes away.

Maybe he wasn't coming. Maybe something came up at work and he just wasn't coming anymore. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed at all.

I mean after all. God or whoever loves to see me hurt, so maybe D, is going to turn out to be one of those people who pretend to be nice and are just mean inside. Sneaky.

Speaking of sneaky, I got an interesting phone call today. Kyle cussed me out saying I was a sneaky ho, who needed to stay out of his business. Apparently Seth went and talked to him and he was not pleased. He called the whole thing a pity date. Kyle never wanted to speak to me again.

I guess its for the best. I needed to get past all the rape and prostitution and abuse. I needed positive's in me life and Kyle was just a downer now-a-days. He was pulling me down.

Maybe I was the one who dragged him down. I mean before he met me, he was happy. Now he was, well, me. A sluttier, drunker, aggressive version of old me.

I stood and stretched a bit and then walked in a circle. I should've left long by now but I still clung to the hope that he wasn't like everyone else, that he cared for me.

Why else would he take me in?

"It's the money"

A sinister voice in the back of my mind whispered.

"No. He loves me. He took me in and saved me from Kt." I thought.

"Why would he want you? He knew everything about you and he knows about the fortune. Why else would he want a disgusting little whore like you?"

"You're wrong. But...No. I won't let you win. He loves me."

"And If he doesn't? What then. You'll be all alone. Soon Trey will see the real you and-"

"Shut up! You're not real! You're not real. You. Are. Not. Real!" I whispered with my hands over my ears. My eyes screwed shut. 

I jumped when I felt a hand touch me. I looked up and saw D, looking at me with concern. I slowly took my hands off my ears and watched for a change in his expression.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was just... Never mind. I thought you said five minutes." I replied.

"Sorry kid. There was a huge pile up. Every time I thought we would get going more accidents happened. Flipping Rubber-Neckers."

"I didn't think you were coming." I whispered as I picked up my pack.

"Of course I was. Why did you think I wasn't?"

"I figured that you changed your mind."

"Changed my mind about what? I said I was coming." Dario asked as he stopped me and turned me towards him.

"What did you think?" He asked softly.

I shrugged and refused to look at his face. Dario just repeated the question and tipped my face toward him.

"I thought maybe, you realized what I am. What i've done. That you didn't want me and were just going to leave me here. I figured you thought the money wasn't even worth it anymore." I explained with a strained and stuttered voice.

"Matthew. Do you think i'm only here for your money? I would never- I- I don't even know what to say. Matthew. I love you. Your my little brother. I wish that I had met you sooner, that way I could have helped you. I could have saved you before everything."

"Even if you had been after my money; I wouldn't have minded. It would have been the best thing money could ever buy." I replied with a ghost of a smile.

"Well lets get your bags in the car and lets hit the road." Dario said after a second of dead silence.

We got in the car and set my bags in the back. Dario turned on the radio and we listened to some country while we started the first leg of our five hour long drive.

I looked out the window and wondered. Where did that voice come from? Why me?


Hey guys that is all i've got so far. it's not as much because I know yall have been waiting for a long time and i am just trying to upload as fast as i can. 

please understand.

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