Chapter 4

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That annoying sound. The sound that can cause so much hate and angst in one second. The second stretched out for a full minute and then it comes again fifteen minutes later.

The freaking buzzing of the alarm clock.

I groaned and reached over and slammed the top of the clock. I grunted and yawned loudly as I stretched and started to sit up.

Daniel was still sleeping so I hurried and took a shower first and dressed. I looked over at Daniel and smirked as his head leaned off the bed and he lightly snored.

Feeling pretty sinister I dug around in our little refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of tobasco sauce. I uncapped the bottle and put a few drops in his mouth quickly. I sat back on my bed and smiled evilly as he smacked his lips together and groaned.

"What the hell!" Daniel yelled as he jumped and fell off the bed.

I laughed as he stood and started sputtering and grabbed a half empty beer from the night stand. He rinsed his mouth out and sat down and let out a huge sigh. He turned to me and glared.

"Morning!" I said happily.

"Seriously? You are juvenile!" he muttered and looked at the clock.

"It's not even eight o clock and you woke me up?!" he complained and laid back on his bed.

"Yeah well we start classes today and being the good roommate I am, I decided to help you get a early start. Besides you take way longer getting ready than I do, and that's saying something." I said as I tossed the bottle at him.

He rolled his eyes and caught the bottle. I gathered my books and stuff together as Daniel finally got up and started getting ready.

I had a class at 11 and I wanted to have an early breakfast date with Trey. I grabbed my backpack and headed out of my dorm and went down the hall to get my boyfriend.

"Trey?" I whispered as I crept into his room.

I looked around his room and saw his roommate sleeping, but Trey wasn't to be found. I frowned and walked out in the commons area. Basically a living room. Trey wasn't there either.

I pulled out my phone and called Trey. I heard his ring tone and frowned at my ring tone he chose for me. Hollaback Girl.

"Really Trey?" I mumbled.

I followed the ring tone and found Trey sleeping behind the couch. I ended the call and squatted down next to Trey. I patted his head with the back of my hand and tried to wake him up. He finally woke up and groaned as he started to look around.

"Hey babe. You found me!" Trey said trying to play off his hangover.

"Trey! You're hung over! We have our first classes today and you're already messing up. I cant believe you would just take this opportunity for granted!" I yelled.

"Shh!" Trey shushed me as he held a finger to my lips. My eyes winded and then narrowed at Trey who closed his eyes again. How dare he shush me?!

"Biiiitch!" I warned in a stereotypical ghetto voice.

I raised my hand over my head and let my hand fly down to Trey. The loud smack echoed off the walls but were quickly muted by the sound of Trey's yelp and groan. Trey sat up and held his forehead where the red mark was already spreading.

"Could've had a v8" I said sarcastically and stood up.

"Babe, I'm tired. What do you want?" Trey asked as he stood still holding his forehead.

"I wanted to have a nice breakfast with my fiancée but I see that it's not going to happen." I sighed and then started walking away. When I turned the corner I looked back and saw Trey lay back down.

Trey is so sweet but so childish. I wish he would just grow up. I needed someone with whom I could have a deep and intellectual discussion with. So far our conversations start with sports and end with 'do you dare me to-' which usually ends up getting me in trouble and embarrassed.

"Oh no! I am going to be so late to class! I'm only three hours early!" Daniel mocked as he walked up to me in the corridor.

"Mock me all you want, but you will thank me later." I shot back.

"So where's your 'One true love'?" Daniel asked with a breathy and over dramatic sigh. I rolled my eyes but answered.

"So you're on your own for breakfast while he sleeps off a hang over? What a douche." Daniel said shaking his head.

"Yeah well, I'm not going to let myself starve because he was being so idiotic last night." I replied.

"Come on, I'm hungry." he said leading me out.

"Daniel I don't think-"

"It's just breakfast. Jeez you act like I'm about to jump you and marry you or somethin'"

"You're not far off."

Breakfast with Daniel was actually not that bad. He was secretly smart and could hold an actual conversation without it being about some nasty story about injuries or sex. And no, I don't like Daniel 'that way', but I do like him as a friend.

Speaking of friends...

I haven't heard from Kyle in two days. I was really worried about him and this path he was going down. I asked Daniel about his input to Kyles situation and he just shrugged and said that everything would work out itself. I just had to trust that Kyle would wake up and see the dangers he was putting himself in.

"Time for class." Daniel announced as he glanced at his watch.

We both took care of our trash and walked to our buildings. I waved him goodbye and walked to my psychology class. Hopefully it would be easy enough that I could have a good grade in.


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