Chapter 1 :)

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Welcome to the third installment of the Life series.


Matthew's POV-

"Okay. We're done here... Unless you have anything else that needs to-"

"D. It's fine really. Thanks for helping me settle in guys" I said as I smiled at my family.

Dario had bribed his team into helping me unpack and settle my things into my dorm room.

Of course we all think of each other as family. In fact one time when we were out for dinner an older guy started flirting with me. Derek decided to step in and scare him off. I was not pleased but I understood.

I looked up at Dario who was looking around my room with sad eyes and tight lips. He was trying so hard not to cry. We had spent 4 and a half years living together. We had become very close and now I guess he really took on the parenting roll.

"Come on, D! You promised!" I whined. He looked at me and raised his brow.

"What?" Dario asked

"You promised you wouldn't cry and embarrass me" I whispered then smiled to the guys walking past my room. They nodded in acknowledgment.

"I'm sorry but... my little buddy isn't gonna be around anymore. Sunday pizza nights are gone, Saturday cartoons off the table, and soon your going to move out and only come over once in a while for birthdays" Dario said trying to control his emotions.

"Now I'm going to cry! D! It's not gonna...oh" I started sniffling and whimpering. Dario started crying and held me tight. we held each other and sobbed.

"Now I am uncomfortable" someone in the room said.

We parted and started taking in calm breaths. I guess it was then that we both realized I was no longer a child. I was an adult. An adult who was moving on. An adult who was going to get ragged on by the guys laughing at me from the hallway.

"Okay. Well I guess that's everything then. See you at's been good." Dario said trying not to cry again.

"Well can't you stay a while longer?" I asked

"How much longer?" he asked

"Till the end of school..." I whispered

"We can't stay that long. This is the first step into adulthood, and I have to let you figure it out by yourself" Dario sternly said

"But I'm gonna miss you" I whimpered.

That got Dario all choked up. He started tearing up and choking on sobs. He tried to leave strong but when I grabbed his arm and pulled him back, and wrapped my pale little arms around him, he was gone.

We held each other tight saying our goodbyes. I savored his hug and then it was time for him to leave. I walked them down to the entrance of my building and waved goodbye as they got in the car and pulled out.

I bucked up and walked back to my room. As I got to the door I stopped and leaned against the frame and took in my new room for the year. I looked around seeing everything was where it was suppose to be and I started crying again.

I was going to grow up and be alone.

"Hey. Fancy seeing you here" a voice mocked from behind me.

That voice. That evil, sneaky, smooth-talking voice. I turned around and gasped as I saw evil in the shape of a jerk.

"What are you doing here Daniel?" I asked.

"This is my room" he said simply with a smile. He pushed past me and set his bags down on the empty bed.

"You're lying! You have to be, you're Daniel" I sputtered.

"Well I'm actually not and I'm pretty happy this is actually happening. I guess bad people do get happy endings" Daniel said with that stupid grin on his face

"Ugh!" I grumbled frustrated

Daniel just smiled and kept unpacking. I watched him looking for any sign that he was lying and wasn't actually serious of moving in here. So far he looked truthful...well truthful for him.

I took out my phone and started texting Kyle who was also going to state. We were suppose to walk around the campus together and mingle.

Trey was also suppose to find me but he was busy with football. Of course I would be alone with Daniel causing Trey to have fit and accuse me of something that didn't happen. This was beginning to feel like high school all over again.

I sighed and flopped down on my bed.


Okay so I am uploading way before I am ready to release it because it seems for this particular story the draft keeps mashing the sentences together. So enjoy.

Life of A College Boy(boyxboy) *Book 3*(ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now