Chapter 9

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lol my bro asked what to do with the wrapping paper cuz his kids were playing with it and i said 'give it to me,' he replied 'why dont you just put it away so they can't have it?' 'because im going to go to my room to wrap.' 'oh.... what kind of sick beats you gonna drop? *chuckles,' 'you're dumb. *laugh*'

That was a few weeks ago.


The entire day my brother and I were waiting in a hot room with nothing to say. After a while and our conversation last night there was not much to discuss.

"Matthew Di Corrado? You will be in conference room number 3." The man at the front desk said as he pointed down a hall.

Dario and I walked down the hall and looked for room 3. I hope the room was air conditioned or at least had a few windows.

We walked into the small room with a large square table with chairs all around. It was centered in the middle with a few benches by the wall. We both pulled up a chair at the table and waited, feeling the cool blast of air from the air-conditioner above the table.

We sat in silence and kept glancing at each other a few times while waiting for the lawyers and judge or whomever. I started to fidgit, feeling the tension that was going around.

Finally the doors opened and five men entered. Two lawyers, a judge, a guard, and my father. They sat and my dad and his lawyer sat across from Dario and I. The other lawyer came and sat next to me and opened his briefcase.

"Okay. Mr. Di Corrado, I understand that you wanted to say a few words to your son?" The judge said to my father.

I looked up in surprise and then looked at my father with a stale expression. He gave a small smile and nodded slightly. I shrugged and sat back.

"Matthew. I am so sorry for everything I put you through. I am not a good person and I am not a good father. My whole life I wanted a son whom I could teach, and learn from. When I found out about your mother, I could see you being taken away from me so confused and hurt. I too felt that pain. I regret hurting you, and your, "Brother's" family. I only wish to have a relationship with you, even if it is just on paper. That is all I want. I give you all my money and possesions." Dad finished his speech with a sigh.

I thought about it for a moment deciding if he was manipulating everyone or if he was sincere. But the thing is that with these types, you have no idea. Its not that hard to show empathy when you want to.

"I'm not sure if I could ever truly forgive you. After all you've given me so much pain. Both physical and emotional. But the one thing I resent you for most of all, is that you left me alone."
I let out a deep sigh and then continued,

"I had to rot in a piece of crap home for unwanted children. So many nights I thought you'd come for me but then I realized you put me there. I hate you, and I hate myself for wanting my dad back."

I closed my eyes and swallowed all of the saliva that seemed to accumulate during my heart felt speech.
To be honest, I didn't really care what happened to the psycho. I just wanted to see him hurt as much as he had once had hurt me.

Of course the extra funds wouldn't hurt my pain and suffering anymore than it already was, and don't judge me. I've been through so much crap, I deserve the extra 1.5 billion dollar company my father created.
Besides my tuition, medical bills, tutoring bills, and my life after college will add up to a hefty number.

Not to mention Dario deserves some spending money to keep him around me. Who said money couldn't buy friends?

"Okay. Well, let's get on with the particulars." His lawyer said.

Life of A College Boy(boyxboy) *Book 3*(ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now