Reader Bio and Characters

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Y/N: Your Name

L/N: Last Name

Age: 16-17

Powers: Starting off, none...yet. You'll be collecting seven mysterious chaos emeralds scattered throughout Canterlot and will be gaining powers throughout the adventure.

-Super Speed: Allows you to go faster than the speed of sound, maybe even faster. Your best method of combat and movement.

-Spin Attack: Able to curl into a ball and attack foes with many techniques. Some of these include the spin dash and homing attack.

-Chaos Control: Uses the power of chaos emeralds to warp time and space to perform many feats. Power of this technique increases with each emerald you obtain.


-Super State: You temporarily transform into a golden state that lets you fly and makes you near invulnerable as well as increased speed and power. Requires all seven chaos emeralds

(I might add more powers and forms as the story goes on.)

Looks: However you want, but here's a sample look just in case

Looks: However you want, but here's a sample look just in case

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Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle

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Mane 7 (Hu):

Mane 7 (Hu):

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