Chapter 8: A Formal You'll Never Forget

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After the gym has been fixed for the Fall Formal, you, Spike, and the Mane Six made your way back to the Carousel Boutique with accomplished smiles on your faces from your earlier feat along with the help of everyone else as well. You all kept your grins as you walked through the door.

Fluttershy: "I still can't believe we pulled that off!"

Rainbow Dash: "I can! We're awesome!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Or as a certain someone would say, we're cracked!" She said with a bright smile and a fist pump as you looked at her with a small proud smile while chuckling to yourself.

Rarity: "Enough chatter everyone!" She said to get everyone's attention. "We need to get ready and look fabulous!" She said with a smile before showing off a bunch of dresses to them.

Y/N: "Well, seeing as you're all getting ready, imma head out and see if I can find myself a suit. Although it'd be really funny if I came to the Fall Formal in my casual outfit." You chuckled to yourself as you were just about to walk out of the Boutique before Rarity rushes in front of you to stop you.

Rarity: "Wait! Before you go, I actually have to say that I already got a magnificent outfit just for you!" She said with a sweet smile.

Y/N: "Oh s**t, for real Rares?" You asked, a little surprised that she would go out of her way to get you a suit.

Rarity: "Give me just a second, Y/N." She said before running off for a second. She then came back with a box that was big enough to hold a suit in. "Here you go, Y/N. I think you can recognize the suit once you see it." She said with a smile as you raised an eyebrow before you opened the box. Your eyes widen once you saw the suit.

Y/N: "This is...the same suit you let me try out when we first met!" You immediately recognized it as Rarity giggled.

Rarity: "That's right. When I first saw you wear that suit, I knew that it was perfect for you. So I worked on a few extra things with the help of your mother to get the exact measurements for the suit so it would be just right for you." She said happily while you pinch your nose.

Y/N: ' know mom.' You thought to yourself, knowing that your mom knows Rarity because she visits her boutique quite often. You then looked back up to Rarity with a grateful smile on your face. "Thanks Rarity...I mean it. You really didn't have to go out of your way to do this, y'know."

Rarity: "Oh, this was nothing darling. Consider it a gift for being a magnificent friend." She said with a smile before giving you a hug. You smiled as you returned the hug, making the other girls look at the scene in slight envy, some of them wishing that they were in Rarity's position.

Y/N: "Thanks again Rarity. I'll try not to ruin it. I know I'll look hella stunning if this suit is made by you." You said sincerely while Rarity blushes a bit from your compliment.

Rarity: "Thank you, darling." She smiled at you. "One more thing, Y/N. The girls and I will be traveling here by limo to get to the dance. Are you going to join up with us or will you meet us at the school?" She asks as your eyes open wide in surprise.

Y/N: "Wait, did you say a f**king LIMO?! Like an actual limo?! Hold up, that actually sounds kinda heat! Hell yeah, I'll join up with you guys! Say f**king less!" You said with an excited smile as all the girls giggled and smiled at your clear excitement.

Applejack: "That's great to hear, sugarcube! The limo will be comin' here so you should come back here by tonight."

Y/N: "Gotcha. All right, I'll catch y'all later!" You said before you waved the girls goodbye as they all did the same.

Twilight Sparkle: "Don't be late, you bozo. Otherwise we'll leave without you." She said while giving you smirk as you simply rolled your eyes while chuckling.

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